Laying Bin Questions


Established Member
Ok, so my two girls are almost 6 months old, and I figure it's time to get those laying bins ready for them. One of them has been showing a lot of black stripes and from what I've heard, that's an indication they may be making or have eggs.

I have the organic soil, in a 10inch deep pot in each cage. It's damp enough where a tunnel holds if I carve it out...but I have a few questions.

#1. How often do you re-soak the soil for it to have it damp enough? I'm assuming it's frequently as all the lighting is drying out the soil.

#2 Once they do lay long until I need to put the bin back in the cage? This is all assuming they are not breeding. Is it a few months or should I always keep it in the cage at all times?

#3 We put rocks on top of the potted plant so our chams don't shoot at feeders and possibly ingest any soil. With the laying bin in there...don't we run the risk of this happening?

Thanks in advance!:D
Are your females panthers? If veileds, I would add a couple more
inches of soil.

1. Once a week I moisten the sand (I use sand) and stir it up with a big wooden spoon and then dig a starter tunnel for them.

2. It's recommend to keep a laying bin in at all times. Incase there's additional eggs to be laid or they lay earlier that normal.

3. It's possible they could eat the soil. I use washed play sand and I have not see a female eat any but they could have when I wasn't looking. :eek:
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Indeed my girls are panthers. I thought about using sand, maybe if it doesn't work out I'll switch. Thanks for the info Jann! Truly appreciate how helpful you are!
Laying bins stay in year round. As you mist, the water flows downward naturally keeping the bins at a perfect wet/dry ratio. Plus, gives your gals confidence. I use a mix of organic topsoil 75% and playsand 25%. I change out the mix every couple months (couple people here recommended every 10 months, but that freaked me out). My bins are from Walmart. Measure (estimate) 16"l x 14"w x 12"h. Filled 80-90% to the top.
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