Just broke up an attempt to mate :(


Whilst I was cleaning the panther cages I accidentally left them open and went downstairs. When I returned, both male and female were on top of the blinds, I noticed he was head bobbing and on top of her. I got the fright of my life and broke it up. I'm thinking this was an attempt to mate? I know it wasn't successful but will this trigger her into producing infertile eggs? Or will I be able to let them have a go at it again soon?

This was the after math of her all scratched up

Most likely they would be at it again given the chance. If she's wounded, I would let her heal before putting her through that stress again. I wouldn't be too worried about sparking egg production, but I'm sure a more experienced keeper will chime in to correct me if I am mistaken
How old is she? Were you planning to breed them? That was an attempt to mate, and how are you sure it wasn't successful?
Yeah she's healed fine now, the scratches weren't deep. I keep forgetting how old exactly lol will have to check but I think she is like 1 year and 8 months by now. I was planning on breeding them but just wasn't expecting to walk in to that lol! Just as I walked in it looked as though he was just climbing on to her and when I picked her up he was still trying to position him self properly until I removed him lol. I'll try again today and see what happens, thanks guys :D
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