Is she carrying eggs? Please take a look at the very least.


New Member
Well, i finally got a hold of Isis to take some long needed photos, and she has decided to show off a little and flare up.

My question to you all and the reason for posting this in breeding is, is she carrying eggs? Can anyone tell?

I moved her into Sweeney's cage so she has plenty of room to lay if she is carrying and she is thrilled, However, i moved him into her hanger and he hates me, he is still dark black and browns and ticked as all heck at me.

This is an album strictly of photos taken today, all of the same cham Isis. She is.. Roughly 9 months old.

Thanks everyone!
I can't be totally certain but I see no reason to suspect she's gravid, she has no lumps that I can see, she isn't showing gravid colours, she doesn't even look chubby........
She isn't very fat. I would track her weight on a weekly schedule. You will see if she is gaining weight. If she is gravid, she doesn't look ready to lay yet.
I do have an adult male in the same room, they are visually blocked by a hanging sheet. however, there is always a chance she can still see, shes on the west wall of the room and he's on the north wall. Honestly she looks reallly skinny in those pictures, i'll try to get a normal picture, she looks almost twice that width and has a huge belly most of the time. She tends to suck herself in when shes out of the cage or on a branch. versus the normal size.
Never been mated, Not in my care at-least, and i highly doubt Fl Chams Mates chams before shipping lol. She has however seen my male and he attempted to reach her, they were separated before ever coming within 3 feet of eachother.
She is living in a mini Green House. So full soil on the bottom, Yes i know i'm gonna get flack for it. Shes trained onto a feeding cup thats 4.5 feet off the floor of the cage, no soil included lol.

the reason i posted those pictures is because i saw her mustard yellow spots and it made me wonder.
Well, i finally got a hold of Isis to take some long needed photos, and she has decided to show off a little and flare up.

My question to you all and the reason for posting this in breeding is, is she carrying eggs? Can anyone tell?

I moved her into Sweeney's cage so she has plenty of room to lay if she is carrying and she is thrilled, However, i moved him into her hanger and he hates me, he is still dark black and browns and ticked as all heck at me.

This is an album strictly of photos taken today, all of the same cham Isis. She is.. Roughly 9 months old.

Thanks everyone!

she may have eggs but its to soon to tell forsure if she does, just cause she has never been bred with a male doesnt mean she cant have eggs in her. when my female veiled reached about a year old she was pregnant and she was never bred, iv had her since she was 2 months old. if she does have eggs there most lickly infertile, i was told almost every chams first clutch is infertile with or without a male being present. from my expirience i would say wait a few weeks or even a month to make sure she is pregnant then put her in the cage with the the laying bin or you could just leave her in the cage with the laying bin if you wish but a laying bin is not nessesary at this point, even if she is pregnant she is not going to lay anytime soon.
welcome to the forums bty:D
hope this helps a bit.
she may have eggs but its to soon to tell forsure if she does, just cause she has never been bred with a male doesnt mean she cant have eggs in her. when my female veiled reached about a year old she was pregnant and she was never bred, iv had her since she was 2 months old. if she does have eggs there most lickly infertile, i was told almost every chams first clutch is infertile with or without a male being present. from my expirience i would say wait a few weeks or even a month to make sure she is pregnant then put her in the cage with the the laying bin or you could just leave her in the cage with the laying bin if you wish but a laying bin is not nessesary at this point, even if she is pregnant she is not going to lay anytime soon.
welcome to the forums bty:D
hope this helps a bit.

haha thank you, i know that they will produce clutches with or without being fertilized by a male, yes this clutch will be infertile, but i was wondering if she is developing the eggs.
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