Is it really egg bound or constipation


Established Member
Hello all Im hoping to get some of you all experise and opinion.
So charlotte my veiled female cham started having trouble pooping about a week ago they are tiny tiny poops with blood noticed on the end.
Took her to Exotic Animal Hospital where they did an xray and said she had she laid her first unfertlile clutch of eggs may 24th with out any problems everything went just as planned. Now the vet says she needs surgery to remove the follicles which i believe is part of her normal process of develping her new clutch of eggs i noticed the other day that she ate a small florida lizard she is brought outside every morning on her outdoor jasmine and me baby sitting her i keep thinking its a blockage not a follicle problem also i brought a baby cham home june 4th from the pet store after falling in love with her realized she had parasites so had a stool donr and shes currently on flagyl could the baby have passed this on the my adult girl they are house seperately .im scared to death of losing her doing this surgery slash egg removal the doc said there are no guarantees so im afraid of making the wrong choice everything iver rwad has been negative about spaying her the doc insist this is what her peoblem. Please if there is anyone out there who can put my heart and mind at ease shes scheduled for surgery shes acting completely normal eating a bit less but still basking eating roaming eyes liok really 👍 i dont deel good about spaying her as im not convinced thats the real problem when i asked the doc couldnt this just be part of her normal cycling based on the last clutch she laid she said its possible yet she is saying she needs surgery someone please help
Are you in Florida? If so and you’re near the central part, Dr Bogoslavsky in Orlando is who I take my chams to. He’s knowledgeable, experienced and prices are reasonable. I’ve heard that Dr Santiago is pretty good too. Eating a lizard could definitely give your girl parasites. It seems a bit too soon for her to be having another clutch just yet. If you aren’t near enough for the vets I mentioned, there is a member who is great at helping find experienced chameleon vets. Just give your location.
Chameleons produce follicles which ovulate and become eggs. Veiled chameleons can lay eggs every 130ish days. It's just the way it goes.

However, veiled chameleons can produce huge clutches and suffer from follicular stasis and egg binding, MBD, prolapse, etc as a result, if overfed constantly and kept at temperatures that are too warm. Then, if they can't lay the eggs, they will need surgery.

How much are you feeding yours in a week? Please be specific.
What are the basking temperatures?
How many eggs did she lay the last time?
Are you in Florida? If so and you’re near the central part, Dr Bogoslavsky in Orlando is who I take my chams to. He’s knowledgeable, experienced and prices are reasonable. I’ve heard that Dr Santiago is pretty good too. Eating a lizard could definitely give your girl parasites. It seems a bit too soon for her to be having another clutch just yet. If you aren’t near enough for the vets I mentioned, there is a member who is great at helping find experienced chameleon vets. Just give your location.
I live in orlando im suppose to go to exotic animal hospital friday to do surgery the doc there says her xray revealed follicles do you know if this vet is good at doing this type of surgery ive got such knots in my stomach over it . It just seemed like she was in a hurry to do surgery and if that is whats really going on with her?
I would get a second opinion from one of the vets I mentioned before having the surgery. While any surgery on any creature has serious risks, it’s even more so for chameleons.
Thank you so much for snswering me i just wrote my reply in the wrong thread i thought i was writting to you here Im so fretful and actually sick over this Most of my days are filled with morning outside with my two chams and beardie Charlotte is my baby though today she pooped a tiny drop of blood no poo just a drop of blood she wiped on the branch she always poos on that branch not to poo in her jasmine and mexican sunflower tree thats where she spends her monrings 3 to 4 hours a day she loves it outside but i have to monitor her every minute today she looked a little dehydrated but after some extra misting she drank well amd her eyes returned to normal she is still displaying receptive coloring bit i could see theoutline of all her new eggs after she laid in may her first clutch she was like a string bean there couldnt have been anything left because she was so super skinny but now she looks like she did when she was going into laying again her appetite is still really good as well as her energy everything shes doing is her norm with the exception of not pooing like she normally did before. Mybe to much real sun with calcium absorbtion cause a large cluth this time idk the answer will you doc see me right away i had the wait three weeks on a cancelation list calling everyday to get chalotte in to be seen at exotic animal hospital .
I hope for you two it all turns out just fine. But constant blood with her stool doesn’t sound good and does sound more like impaction. Like @MissSkittles mentioned maybe going for a second opinion with one of recommended vets is a good option. Laying again, would be really soon, but I’m not that experienced to know the rules of exceptions (figures of earlier clutches by chams), I know mine sits exactly at 4 months in between. And she’ll always show her receptive coloring, however the last weeks prior to the laying they get more dominant. Was she already restless the last weeks?
How’s her enclosure? Does it have any fake plants?

IMHO we can only guess and a second opinion is the answer to question(s) and your doubting feeling.

It’s terrible situation and I can feel your pain.
I just read your post in another thread but didn’t want to hijack that thread. Call Dr Bogoslavsky! You shouldn’t have to wait weeks to see him. They always have gotten me in within a couple of days and that’s for routine stuff. He doesn’t ‘fluff’ anything….just tells it like it is.
I hope for you two it all turns out just fine. But constant blood with her stool doesn’t sound good and does sound more like impaction. Like @MissSkittles mentioned maybe going for a second opinion with one of recommended vets is a good option. Laying again, would be really soon, but I’m not that experienced to know the rules of exceptions (figures of earlier clutches by chams), I know mine sits exactly at 4 months in between. And she’ll always show her receptive coloring, however the last weeks prior to the laying they get more dominant. Was she already restless the last weeks?
How’s her enclosure? Does it have any fake plants?

IMHO we can only guess and a second opinion is the answer to question(s) and your doubting feeling.

It’s terrible situation and I can feel your pain.
Thank you so much for replying if you can call me its so hard typing everything 321 374 9529 today she seems less active displaying darker colors she ate about 6 crickets yesterday i was concerned she hadnt really eaten and not having calcuim when she doesnt eat problem with second opinion is time no one can take you right away its 2 to3 week wait which at this point i dont have do you know if dr sanngetta macko is good she is the one who say my cham and wants to do surgery friday ?? I actually feel sick myself worrying about her i have constant knots in my stomach and feel helpless at this point!
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Thank you so much for replying if you can call me its so hard typing everything 321 374 9529 today she seems less active displaying darker colors she ate about 6 crickets yesterday i was concerned she hadnt really eaten and not having calcuim when she doesnt eat problem with second opinion is time no one can take you right away its 2 to3 week wait which at this point i dont have do you know if dr sanngetta macko is good she is the one who say my cham and wants to do surgery friday ?? I actually feel sick myself worrying about her i have constant knots in my stomach and feel helpless at this point!
I´m really sorry, but unfortunately on the other side of world, in Europe, and I can´t be much help for you right now. What do you mean with darker colors? Dark / till black splotches or she´s just in general darker green? Theoretical she doesn´t need to eat every day, feeding for females older then 6 months is 3 feeders each other day, to prevent big clutches. Therefore they only get 3 times per week calcium, that´s more then enough, so don´t worry about the calcium.

I´m totally not experienced with the follicles problems and I think you´re in better hands with @kinyonga and a vet. Did you mentioned with the other vets, she has blood in her stool? Do you got the x-ray´s available? and maybe some pictures of your girl?
I know that knot feeling in your stomach, lost a girl lately and we´ll got it when something is suddenly wrong with your chameleon. Just remember still eating and drinking isn´t always sign they´re okay.
Thank you this whole surgery scares me to death im so worried for my girl im thinking that by me taking her outside everyday for what i thought was beneficial exposure to natural uvb might in fact hurt her in the process of developing much more follicles i always feed her first the the sun helping her absorb calcium maybe too much now i realize. My beautiful charlotte I love her so much most people dont get it but i love her just as much as my chihuahuas shes just as special to me as most furry friends.
Is this her at the moment? She btw beautiful! We´ll love them and that´s our obligation to them, for keeping them . I feel you on surgery, unfortunately if needed, then she needs to undergo it. I´m just reading the article Kinyonga sent.

Outdoor time is always good and normally would be beneficial. However, the temps can be issue, if she would constantly exposed to +80 these would raise her metabolism and egg production. And it´s difficult to monitoring the direct heat from the sun on her body. Therefore providing them direct sunlight is best in the morning or later in the afternoon, and even with clouds the will get UVB (see as with solar cells)
Yes its always early morning but know im realizing even at that time here in Florida its 90s most of the time even in the early hours does anyone k ow if Dr Macko Sanngetta from Exotic hospital is good vet for chams she works with Dr Diaz Yes that my precious girl! Shes tired today though her coloring is usually bery vibrant she was dull and her eyes were sunken looking until i misted her good she drank alot this morning but her activity today was slow she didnt seem to want to roam all over her tree like usual i know shes jot feeling good shes scheduled for surgery friday i called the vet today a few times but didnt get the return call id waited for another cue making me feel so uneasy
Is this her at the moment? She btw beautiful! We´ll love them and that´s our obligation to them, for keeping them . I feel you on surgery, unfortunately if needed, then she needs to undergo it. I´m just reading the article Kinyonga sent.

Outdoor time is always good and normally would be beneficial. However, the temps can be issue, if she would constantly exposed to +80 these would raise her metabolism and egg production. And it´s difficult to monitoring the direct heat from the sun on her body. Therefore providing them direct sunlight is best in the morning or later in the afternoon, and even with clouds the will get UVB (see as with solar cells)
Thank you for the beautiful comment I just love her so much I really have a bond with her!


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I´m really sorry, but unfortunately on the other side of world, in Europe, and I can´t be much help for you right now. What do you mean with darker colors? Dark / till black splotches or she´s just in general darker green? Theoretical she doesn´t need to eat every day, feeding for females older then 6 months is 3 feeders each other day, to prevent big clutches. Therefore they only get 3 times per week calcium, that´s more then enough, so don´t worry about the calcium.

I´m totally not experienced with the follicles problems and I think you´re in better hands with @kinyonga and a vet. Did you mentioned with the other vets, she has blood in her stool? Do you got the x-ray´s available? and maybe some pictures of your girl?
I know that knot feeling in your stomach, lost a girl lately and we´ll got it when something is suddenly wrong with your chameleon. Just remember still eating and drinking isn´t always sign they´re okay.
The exotic animal hospital did a one veiw xray revealing what looked like eggs and follicles i kept telling the vet this was her time to be making more eggs and that i felt like it was an empaction over egg binding she did beautifully laying her last cluth everything seemed perfect and as skinny as she was there is no way some were left inside because she was like a string bean afterwards Im think all the calcium and high temps basking in the sun daily made her produce more than she could keep up with per say.
I live in orlando im suppose to go to exotic animal hospital friday to do surgery the doc there says her xray revealed follicles do you know if this vet is good at doing this type of surgery ive got such knots in my stomach over it . It just seemed like she was in a hurry to do surgery and if that is whats really going on
I just read your post in another thread but didn’t want to hijack that thread. Call Dr Bogoslavsky! You shouldn’t have to wait weeks to see him. They always have gotten me in within a couple of days and that’s for routine stuff. He doesn’t ‘fluff’ anything….just tells it like it is.
Im going to call him in the morning does he do surgery if she really needs it thank you miss skittles im so glad i found this forum you all have been wonderful! Do you know of Dr Macko Sanngetta from Exotic animal hospital in orlando
Yes its always early morning but know im realizing even at that time here in Florida its 90s most of the time even in the early hours does anyone k ow if Dr Macko Sanngetta from Exotic hospital is good vet for chams she works with Dr Diaz Yes that my precious girl! Shes tired today though her coloring is usually bery vibrant she was dull and her eyes were sunken looking until i misted her good she drank alot this morning but her activity today was slow she didnt seem to want to roam all over her tree like usual i know shes jot feeling good shes scheduled for surgery friday i called the vet today a few times but didnt get the return call id waited for another cue making me feel so uneasy
I do hope she is not getting to weak for surgery, because it awful sounds alot like she´s getting lethargic and sunken eyes is normally not a good thing. Because, this isn´t always dehydration and I don´t if they´re that dehydrated that their eyes are sunken, a good misting will resolve it directly. Sunken eyes could also be stress, pain and shutting down. I wouldn´t stress her too much till surgery and let her in her enclosure, to get some rest. Handling is also stressful for them. I could keep a close eye on her tomorrow morning, is she still acting this way and eyes are sunken again, call the vet again and tell them it´s an emergency.
no way some were left inside because she was like a string bean afterwards Im think all the calcium and high temps basking in the sun daily made her produce more than she could keep up with per say.
I don´t think there´re any left, this would have been too long to give symptoms, I think.

@jannb are the mentioned vets good and experienced vets for chameleons??
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