is it just me?


New Member
I've had my pair of vields for about a month now and i have relized they have tooken over my intrest!! I tattoo and build cars and bikes. And I had a breeding pair of ball I have spent hundreds of dollars on them and I want to get more....ha ha I feel like a cat lady!! Does anyone else feel this way
chameleon addiction sindroma :)

my new guy gonna arrive in the end of november, but already i want more of them :)
I know I ran out of room!!! My retics at my brothers and there not happy about that!! Lol I'm thinking about just devoting to chameleons I want some jacksons now; (again)

It's a "Sticky" ahem, situation. Once they have their claws in you and you try to get out...":cool:"....Help!
Green house! Green house! :D you could put shelving on your walls to make more room. Females don't need very big cages (and sometimes stress in larger cages) so...
Mine have literally taken over the apartment! haha I have them all free ranging and I often find them sprawled out across the rooms, so much that yesterday I had to get a couple baby gates and stick smooth plastic on them to keep the chams (and the loose crickets) at bay in their separate areas! :D Once I come home from class at night and one panther was asleep on the couch!

There's no saying no to more chams!
Yeah I have a mastiff who eats anything so free roam isn't an option.and I live in northeast so greenhouse I think would get dumb cold
Yeah I have a mastiff who eats anything so free roam isn't an option.and I live in northeast so greenhouse I think would get dumb cold
I am with you, I live in Montana & have 2 dogs. I also have 12 chameleons so I guess free ranging full time is out.:( As it is they have tacked over the house.:eek:
Yes it is an addiction you get one and you fall in love and instantly want more. Ha, I am running out of space in the room I keep them in and still want a few more :) Will see what happens though!
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