Is a 10 gallon glass tank big enough to breed dubias?


New Member
Planning to buy a colony and wondering if thats big enough to breed them or do i need a bigger plastic bin?
oh so sorry:eek: didnt read the entire title lol. idk where you are located but here in florida dubias are illegal so i cant help you there.
Should be fine, I'm bad on measurements but its best to not over crowd them. Give them plenty of egg crates, and less males is better per females. 1:5 is usually the ratio but Ive seen people have success with 1:10. I've also read that separating the nymphs from the breeders is also helpful in breeding.

Add heat, heating mats apparently can localize and melt plastic so I personally use a heat lamp for now. Heat tape is a better alternative but is more expensive. Water crystals, orange slices, and gutload.

Do not disturb them unless to feed, they will breed quicker. Hence separating the nymphs so you don't disturb the breeders looking to feed off nymphs.

Some controversial methods:

Give your BREEDER roaches only: chick feed/ cat/dog food along with orange slices, water crystals and some gutload. Protein helps them breed faster.

DO NOT give your FEEDER nymphs chick feed/ cat/dog food, the animal fats can cause gout in your chameleon.
It depends how many you want really. My male Veiled doesn't eat roaches, so for my 2 girls I get enough roaches for some variety from a 10 gallon size with about 10-12 adults in (just 1 or 2 males). They are quite slow breeding and growing compared to crickets, so if you want more you might want more space.
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IMO a 10 gal tank is not the best choice since the roaches need darkness to breed and thrive. Opaque plastic tub for $5 from hd or lowes with a vent hole cut in the top and you are set.
Yes, if you do use your glass one make sure they have cover and not too much light.
A dark plastic 14 - 16 gallon tub from HD is your best bet with a large rectangle cut out of the lid and dark screen hot glued on to it. 10 gallon glass aquariums are so heavy and hard to move around and clean. I would buy an extra bin just in case your colony gets to big :)
I use a Rubbermaid tote as listed above with the top cut out and screen added. I have about 800 adults in one and 6k babies in another. I keep plenty of egg crate and I use a ceramic emitter for heat on the adults. They are also stored in a closet and I go in every other day to feed and water.
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