i need of awesome names :D

ive been looking at peoples chameleon's names and i have a baby ambilobe panther and he is in need of a name i dont want to scar him for life cause he didnt have a name lol and unfortunately i lack creativity when it comes to names so help me out please hehe thanks :D
ive been looking at peoples chameleon's names and i have a baby ambilobe panther and he is in need of a name i dont want to scar him for life cause he didnt have a name lol and unfortunately i lack creativity when it comes to names so help me out please hehe thanks :D

Dirty Sanchez--- bartle bee----wall e----alf-----donatelo------kush-----bozo the klown
Anakin, Jabba, Jar Jar, Borvo, Dooku, Echo, Cornelius Evazan, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Grievous, Qui-Gon, Kenobi, Sidious, Vader, Yoda...

Radcliff, Clifford, Gonzo, Saurian, Omega, Heath, Widget, Gaius, Yenterb Sreaps (Britney Spears backwards lol)...
Anakin, Jabba, Jar Jar, Borvo, Dooku, Echo, Cornelius Evazan, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Grievous, Qui-Gon, Kenobi, Sidious, Vader, Yoda...

Radcliff, Clifford, Gonzo, Saurian, Omega, Heath, Widget, Gaius, Yenterb Sreaps (Britney Spears backwards lol)...

I see that someone enjoys starwars just as much as myself lol :D
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