I Need Help Quick


New Member
I have had 15 panther eggs for about a week that my girl laid, she was always falling off of her perches before and after egg laying, and became very weak and passed away. Anyway her eggs looked pretty good a week ago and I put them in a closed container with damp vermiculite and they seemed to be doing fine, I have them in my closet at room temperature, but today when I checked them most of them had indentions in them and some were a little fuzzy, I know this is not normal, what I dont understand is how can they be moldy and dehydrated, what do I need to do to get y eggs back on track. The room temp is in the mid 70's should there be water droplets on the inside of the container, I got the fuzz off since it wasnt too bad, but here are some pics, so what do the experts think can they be saved???


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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those eggs are no good:(. From the looks of the container it appears that you have to much water in it. The ratio must be pretty precise for incubation!!
I read online where if they got dehydrated you could rehydrate them. So how do you know they are bad?
Well I know that my chams mated about 3 times and they looked like little white jelly beans when they came out but they were a lil damp when i put them in substrate so that may be why they are dark in color now , the main thing i am wondering is if i spray them will they soak up moisture and plump back up or what??? They may not be any good tho.
This forum sucks, I never get hardly any feedback. I sit here and read everyone elses posts and see how they were helped but no one has anyone to say to this. Im not mad because maybe the replies I got were not what I was hoping to here it is just the lack of feedback I get, I am sure I will get more replies to this then to my original question. I posted this last night and 106 views and 3 different people replied wow thanks for the help guys.
This forum sucks, I never get hardly any feedback. I sit here and read everyone elses posts and see how they were helped but no one has anyone to say to this. Im not mad because maybe the replies I got were not what I was hoping to here it is just the lack of feedback I get, I am sure I will get more replies to this then to my original question. I posted this last night and 106 views and 3 different people replied wow thanks for the help guys.

I told you in my first reply that those eggs were bad!! What more do you want...I can't bring them back to life and niether can you!! Toss them out and call it a life experience!!;)
yeah.. i think so.
I mean why repeat the same stuff, rite?
I agree with those 3 replies.
This forum sucks, I never get hardly any feedback. I sit here and read everyone elses posts and see how they were helped but no one has anyone to say to this. Im not mad because maybe the replies I got were not what I was hoping to here it is just the lack of feedback I get, I am sure I will get more replies to this then to my original question. I posted this last night and 106 views and 3 different people replied wow thanks for the help guys.

It is not that this forum sucks... Its dose not suck at all infact... The Eggs look bad... Point and case... thats it... If one person tells you they are bad and 106 other people look and say nothing else would you not think that they agree? Or perhaps that 100 of the people that looked at this thread have never had eggs to deal with? Dean told you how to rehydrate them if they are good but too dry. Thats all you need to know for the most part. Or do you need 106 people to tell you they are bad?

It’s your attitude that sucks here, not the forum. :mad:
Im pretty much done with this forum everytime I post I get no feedback so it is pretty pointless for me.
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