i know both are amazingly gorgeous but


New Member
me & my fiance have different opinions on which chameleon to get he is a huge fan of blue (ambanja or nosey be) and i am a huge fan of all diff colors...he is stuck on those 2 but i am leaning more to sambava or ambilobe. LOL wich do you prefer? w/e we do decide to get we want something young and male :p
my fav is the Sambava... maybe atake a blue barred ambilobe, there should be blue, yellow, green and maybe orange or red in them :)
Sambava! For the first two years of their life they tend to be green and blue! Then they start turning red/orange/yellow.

Maybe you guys would like a cross? (not for breeding, purely as a pet!) you fan get a nosy be X Sambava or an Ambanja X Ambilobe or a bunch of other mixes.
If you like lots of colour i would check out kammerflage, one of the sites sponsors, and check out their crosses. Its almost like a little kid had a paint pallet and just had fun :p they look amazing
i dont want to compromise i want my sambava dammit!! lmao jk!!!
i should show him this thread and be like .... the tribe has spoken haha :p
nosey mitsio is a good one 2!
Im not a fan of Nosy Be's, my dad and girlfriend are, but not me; they are wayy to bland for my taste, but then again I've never seen one in real life. Im more a fan of reds.
me & my fiance have different opinions on which chameleon to get he is a huge fan of blue (ambanja or nosey be) and i am a huge fan of all diff colors...he is stuck on those 2 but i am leaning more to sambava or ambilobe. LOL wich do you prefer? w/e we do decide to get we want something young and male :p

IMO. If you go with a Ambanja you will get the best of both worlds with color. Ambanja's will give you blues, reds, greens, yellows, purples etc. They are known as the rainbow chameleon. Look on Screameleons.com. I have a male baby from SoKool. He is a great example of all the colors you and your fiance both want. And as everyone on this forum says, "Once you get one, your second one is not to far behind. So mabey you will end up with your Sambava and his Ambanja. :)

If you get a Ambanja from screameleons, the colors will not disapoint either of you.'

Hope this helps:)
IMO. If you go with a Ambanja you will get the best of both worlds with color. Ambanja's will give you blues, reds, greens, yellows, purples etc. They are known as the rainbow chameleon. Look on Screameleons.com. I have a male baby from SoKool. He is a great example of all the colors you and your fiance both want. And as everyone on this forum says, "Once you get one, your second one is not to far behind. So mabey you will end up with your Sambava and his Ambanja. :)

If you get a Ambanja from screameleons, the colors will not disapoint either of you.'

Hope this helps:)

I would agree, Ambanjas might be the answer to your questions. Some breeders have ambanjas that are mainly blue, but might have yellows, purples, and reds.

Also, in the classifieds here the Chameleon Company is selling some Faly-ambanja crosses that look like they'll have a lot of variation. I have one that looks like he's going to grow up with a lot of blue and red.

Just look around! See if you can find a breeder male that both of you like. I would just scan through lots and lots of breeders sites together.

Saw you are in Pa... Did you notice there is a Sambava in NY for $50 bucks including the set up listed in the classifieds... the guy is having a tough time w/ the enconomy and all and has to sell. Worth the trip! And this way you could still get another Cham since you'd only be spending $50 on the Sambava... plus he is a little older so should be coloring up nicely! May want to check it out! Hey 2 are always better than one right! Truth is I'm in Pa and I am drooling for it but w/ two right now my hubby says no!
Just an idea!!!
Ambanja I would love to have one!! But I love my vields though. But I would love to have one they are gorgeous!!! Maybe when my breeding is nice and established ill get one
bahahahaha i do want them both :p
they are like pokemon :eek: im trying 2 catch them all lol they are all sooo awesome :D
but im keeping my fingers crossed of one of lance's lucifer babies :eek: we both like the sire and sibling sooo lol it would be perfect :p
if not....the search is still on lol
Have you thought of any Diego Suarez?? :) They could be a good deal for both of you! :)

Other than that, it's up to you and your fiancee! :)
i actually dont think iv ever heard of diego suarez :eek: il have to look for some to see how they look
ankify is gorgeous :eek:
but i think i found a baby that im going to get :p
filling in details andddd soon 2 be a new momy again
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