I had a dream about... babies! Lots of babies!


New Member
So I had this dream a few days ago. I had this dream that I had Ringo and a little veiled female, a male and female jackson, and a male and female panther. The veiled and panther laid there eggs about the same time. I'm not sure exactly how long the female jackson will carry her babies but I'm sure its not long since they are a lifebearer.

Well, months went by. Then that time came when eggs started hatching, and my little female jackson started dropping her babies! My husband starting panicing and telling me we need to order more pinheads, FF's etc. It was funny to watch him in my dream.

Turns out in my dream we had over 70 babies of veiled, panthers, and jacksons lol :rolleyes:

I can see where my addiction is going!
This reminded me of so many dreams that I've had about my veileds..one time my juvie veils grew wings and turned bright red..lol I was disappointed when I woke up
Had a dream my veiled perched up on my ear all day and went every where with me and I just went around and showed him all of the world. Was quite the dream, he understood me and everything lol. But unfortunately he's scared to death of me lmao.
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