I can wash hands?

That's hilarious! Poor lil things wants it so bad but just can't quite get a grip on that stream
Hhaa love it my guys try that too. its alot funnier when my big veiled male tries it, and tumbles across my hands.
Maybe you guys will like my version. http://youtu.be/TzzZ6Au7SSc

We had my nephew over and he wanted to see "a chameleon trick" other than the chameleon eating. This is what I came up with.

DISCLAIMER- Yes, this is a laugh at the expense of a cham. Sorry chameleon! This is the first and last time I'll ever do this and YES...I realize that this could be stressful if done often and for long periods of time. The chameleon thinks the water stream is a branch and instinctively tries to get to higher ground. Immediately following this video, Var was taken to his enclosure which is a 9 foot by 7 foot by 5 foot palace...complete with 10 feeding cups, each full of hornworms, silkworms, blue bottle fly larvae, soldier fly larvae, waxworms, superworms, dubia roaches, lubbers, mantis, and butter worms. He also got to mate 5 females that same night...and had a smoke afterwards.;)
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Oh the hypocrisy. There was a previous thread about the same thing awhile back and I, and the others in the post who tried it were chastised for it. But now it's cute. Bah.
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