how do i tame a cham


New Member
my female cham is really nervus when i go in the cage and when i finally got her out she is fine still a bit nervus of the face but fine, is there any way that i could tame the cham down a littel so when i go in the cage for her shes not so agressive.
my female cham is really nervus when i go in the cage and when i finally got her out she is fine still a bit nervus of the face but fine, is there any way that i could tame the cham down a littel so when i go in the cage for her shes not so agressive.

chameleon in my opinion cannot exactly be tamed.
however, you can help ease her attitude by changing your behavior around her.
1. For now, leave her be. The reason she is aggressive toward you is because
she thinks you are going to eat her. Don't keep checking up on her.
Chameleon, just like people, sometimes need space.
So, walks slowly around her. Don't do abrupt and sudden move. She thinks
you are a predator.
2. Chameleon sense vibrations. And they hear low frequency noise.
There has been report that they can hear your heart beats.
Try to calm down around her. If you are panic, your hearts will beats
Thus, making her panic too.
3. Make it soooo obvious whenever you come to feed, to mist, and to provide
water drip.
Show the insects to her, So that she will associate you with food. :)
Sooner or later, she will learn that whenever you come that means
a partay is in order.
When she get used to this, she will no longer see you as predator, but
more as a Mobile Tree!
Some Chameleons like to rub their head to a tree, some might test biting
(not the kind of biting that cause injury) to the bark.
Thus, some chameleon will come at his/her owner and start rubbing his
head/chin toward the owner... or even let the owner rub his/her chin
(i think they're just lazy.. and if they can make the tree do it for them,
why not? :D). But, Don't expect this to happen to yours. Because, each
chameleon has his/her own personality. My chameleon learns to tolerate
only me. and he still a bit afraid of me (it's been 4 months now).
4. I don't believe in handling chameleon for the reason so that I could pet him
and stroke his chin or whatever. If that is your intention, my suggestion is
to go ahead and get a dog. But, my intention in handling him is to make
him get used to cage cleaning, vet visit, and etc etc. I do not want to raise
him to be a biter.
I handled him about twice a week. for 5 to 10 minutes each session.
I do not stroke him or pet him in any way. I just let him explore and climb
around (careful not to drop him).

hope that helps
You can't charm a chameleon like you can charm a snake.

I can see the title now. "See the world's best chameleon charmer today!" lol

Sorry, that was all in good harmless fun :D
Most chameleons mellow out with age. I did have one that stayed crazy his whole life. As I look back on it there may have been other factors. Multiple moves, roommates, girlfriends and me be ignorant to his care. Kind of amazed he got as old as he did.

I have only owned one female so take this or leave it. Her aggression seems to only become offensive when she is producing eggs. The rest of the time she is pretty shy but not really mean.

If your chameleon is young just give her sometime and space she should come around. Now that does not mean she will be good with handling but tolerant/managable.
u dont sorry to say, males tend to be very agressive but in my experience the females tend to be a bit more calm when it comes to being held. you just kind of have to hope for a well tempered cham that likes to be held and if they dont then you have to appreceaite them from afar.
If you start holding them from a young age
they learn easily to not see you as anything to "fear"
even then they will display a bit in order to say "respect me"
or "caution..", "what do you want?"

There's many factors that can go into producing fear in these animals
but generally speaking, they can become quite used to being handled
and even the lizard version of "friendly". ymmv.
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it's all about classical conditioning. a psychologic term.. give your chameleon as much positive experiences so that it will associate you with those.
it's all about classical conditioning. a psychologic term.. give your chameleon as much positive experiences so that it will associate you with those.
I tried that, it worked. He only bites the shit out of me twice a day instead of three times. David
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