Hornworm care and sexing


New Member
Hey everyone. Been a little while...

I have one horn worm moth from the last time I bought a ton of them. Just wanted to see how big they really ate before I try to breed.

Questions, now: How do I sex them? And cam someone link me to a care sheet for breeding?

I need to know what to feed the moths and how long it'll take for them to breed and all that stuff too. Whoever has that info I'd appreciate a post on here or a PM. :) Thanks
Go to Pigglett's blog…best info I see on raising the HW.


That will teach me for pausing and reading another Chameleon E-zine article!

I have the blog below you can refer to


You can also look at this for information, it even shows how to sex the pupae

http://insected.arizona.edu/manduca/PDFs/3-Rearing 10.pdf


Those links should get you all the info you need.
Sweet, thanks. I think I've seen your blog on google before :) glad to be able to find it easy again.

Lol good going, Nick. You're so on top of things xD
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