Home sweet home


New Member
So I am getting a Carpet cham on wensday and I just finished her setup. So a few people had some input already but thought I'd share just to see what everyone thinks. It's screen 18x18x36, no substate, and a ficus for humidity. Theirs a bio-vine in thier for perches but im still working on the right position for it. Also any suggestions on how to get the temp/humidity gauge (flukers) to stick in thier without having to rig some mcguiver device?
Hey there. I really like it! I think your little guy will love it. I have a very similar setup for my carpet. Which by the way after you asked me I found out she does in fact have parasites, a lot of them, and badly. The vet gave me diluted panacur. So definitely check that out. Did you get a boy or girl? WC or CB?
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