Hey Marylanders!


New Member
Anyone going to be going to the reptile show in Havre de Grace on Saturday(the 7th)? It'd be great to meet some of you! It'll be my first time at a all reptile show, ive been to other pet expo's. Im super excited :D
I'm going, I will have a stand there to sell all of my 2 month old veiled chameleons! By they way all chameleons are still alive and kickin. I have been in Delaware for work for awhile now and have not been able to update how they are doing. I hope to see some members at the show pick up one or two of my chameleons.
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I will be vending at the Hamburg show in PA on June 14th which is about 3 times the size at the Havre de Grace show. I will have alot of panthers available. Its usually a very good show.
O SHOOT! I didnt know it was this weekend,ill plan to go! Ill prob go with my father.
Oh,and ive been to this one, just to let ya know its not that big,its just in a little center,but its still cool to go to:)
Sorry to say i wont be attending the 7th show. I have a wedding to go to in morgantown.

Chuck I am going to try and stop by the Hamburg show although I am broke:mad: as usuall hahaha. My bday is the 16th hmmmm maybe I will spoil myself anyway.
That would be awesome I will see you there. I like going to the shows regardless if I can get something or not its just a good time.

It doesnt have that date on the site. Whatsup with that?
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I might make it chuck, this is an alternative to going to see formula D at NJ the same weekend:p If i dont go to that ill be sure to go this.
I asked this wuestion...and didnt even get to go!
My cousin adopted a new pup (9 months old) and i was visiting to see her and while i was there she attacked the 8 year old shepherd and tore the skin off of her ear. Took us 2 mintues to get her to unlock her jaws....

Weston, how'd you do on adopting out some more babies? Bleeker has grown a bit since I got him,very healthy. I've been trying to talk mom into another one lol....she is "thinking about it".

Hope everyone who went had a great time! i WILL be at the next one
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