Help with poop :(


New Member
Hi everyone..

Could someone please share their thoughts on Ernie's poop?


He had worming meds last Tuesday and his appetite has decreased since. He's had only 2 crickets in the last week.

He is drinking lots, very active and everything else seems normal to me.

Is it just the worming stuff making his poop like this?
A number of antiparasitic drugs, including Panacur can cause loss of appetite.
The stool is an unusual color and your vet would really be the best one to judge whether or not that is an expected side effect.
Perhaps the color is from the parasites dying off and being partially digested.
If Ernie was my cham, I'd check with the vet.
Please let us know what the vet says about it, if you do.
A number of antiparasitic drugs, including Panacur can cause loss of appetite.
The stool is an unusual color and your vet would really be the best one to judge whether or not that is an expected side effect.
Perhaps the color is from the parasites dying off and being partially digested.
If Ernie was my cham, I'd check with the vet.
Please let us know what the vet says about it, if you do.

Thank you so much for your reply!

He is on Panacur, so its a little more comforting to know that could be the reason and I was thinking the same with the colour.. I'll email the vet and see what she thinks and if I need to take him in again.
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