Help,Please female V cham


New Member
Hi I need help I just caught my V Cham breeding yes they were breeding I let them finish I did not plan on it or try to make them my female (my girl) is free range she is about 1 year my male cage kept got out and well you know the rest they are my first I dont know anything about breeding them I want and will do what needs done I just need to know what I should do now I don't want any thing to happen to my girl thanks
I knw it was planned, but its ok!

First off, you need a lay bin for your female. she will lay eggs about 20-45 days after being bred.

You need a bucket, a good one to get from home depot/ lowes 5 gallon one.
Fill it with washed play sand or top soil dirt, at least 12 inches deep, make sure its damp enough that she can dig a tunnel, bt not so wet it collapses. once she starts digging, DO NOT bother her. This can cause her to stop laying and become egg bound.

after she lays eggs, you can carefully dig them up ( i just dumped the bucket on a tarp and sifted through the dirt)

Piut the eggs in a bin filled with vermiculite or perlite, once the eggs are placed, do not roll them, as you will kill the developing baby.

Keep them in a dark closetwith temsp staying around 76-78 deg.

after about 7-9 months, youll have babies.

Thanks for your reply and all the advise but it was not planed I got my female by mistake uninformed buyer I got her young and I didn't know how to tell males from females back then I really do thank you I have a few questions should I change her diet now she gets crickets dusted with a multi and calicum with d3 and kale wax worms and a fruit smoothe for treat what should I change or give more or less of thanks for all the help
I meant wasnt,, sorry.
Make sure she gets calcium without d3 every feeding, and i would do the multivitamin once a week until she lays.

Crickets, hornworms, silkworms, roaches, all good to feed.

Feed her 4-6 bugs every other day. this wil keep her egg production down.

Her basking temp should be around 83, no higher, as this can also influence egg production.

i know the feeling of the unplanned babies... my female got down off her free range in another room, crawled under 2 closed doors, and found my male in his free range.. 9 months later....
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Lol sorry i Guess im just a nurves husband I'm having trouble finding calicum with out d3 and can I use human calicum tabs crushed then when should I give her the d3
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