Help! Is my female egg bound??


New Member
I have a female veiled chameleon and I'm not sure how old she is. I thought she was only a couple of months old and has been acting perfectly fine lately except every once in a while I see her hanging around the bottom corners of her cage as if shes looking for something. Do yall think she is egg bound? Can you tell by the picture? And if she isnt egg bound why has she been hanging around the bottom of her cage? :confused:


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it could be that shes just to hot. shes def not only 2 months old. please fill out the how to ask for help. we need to know what kinda of cage how your feeding ect. thankyou.

ps- i dont think so. shes not showing gravid colors but if you pick her up can you feel eggs? has she ever show blue/mustard colored spots? do you have a laying bin?
While she doesn't look gravid to me, there is that possibility. However, there's a big difference between having eggs and being egg bound. You should put a laying bin in her enclosure.

Jannb has a great blog entry that will help you.
it could be that shes just to hot. shes def not only 2 months old. please fill out the how to ask for help. we need to know what kinda of cage how your feeding ect. thankyou.

ps- i dont think so. shes not showing gravid colors but if you pick her up can you feel eggs? has she ever show blue/mustard colored spots? do you have a laying bin?

by her size can you tell how old she is? And okay i will fill it out really quick. And also i dont really think she is too hot cause i see her basking and everything. When shes at the bottom of her cage it looks like as if shes looking for something. No Ive never seen her show gravid colors. No i dont have a laying bin for her cause i thought she was way too young to be laying eggs.
ya i would say your little girl is between 3-4 months old, she would be much darker typically if she was gravid with dark splotches all over, as another poster has recommended (JannB) has a excellent blog on the care of female Veiled's, regarding egg layin and general care. Definitely check it out. She is awfully cute, i would check her basking temps and in general over all temps if the cage, Veiled's like a variety in temps and will seek out the most comfortable temps throughout the day. Hope you work it out, this forum is a excellent source for chameleon related Q&A :)
I would guess 5 months, unless that hand is quite petite. It's really never too early to put a laying bin in the cage. In fact, it's best to get something in there for her so she gets used to it before she actually needs it.
well. id say shes more towards 7-8months becuz she looks about like clair and that her estamated age;however, chams grow diffrently at diffrent rates. she could be older or younger. thats my guess. chams can lay eggs young. she is capable of produceing/laying eggs so you need a laying bin. their are blogs for this. look up jannb. shes is amazing with chams and this species.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Female, unsure of her age because I bought her at petsmart. I've had her for 2 months.
Handling - every couple of days
Feeding - 10 to 15 small crickets every morning, a wax worm or two every other day, super worms every couple of days and I recently got some mealworms so im starting to feed her a couple of those every couple of days. Im gut loading my crickets with romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, almonds, sesame seeds, and I recently started to use Repashy Superpig for gutload too.
Supplements - I dust my crickets with Reptivite Calcium without D3 every day (I skip a day or two every week), Reptivite Calcium with D3 once a month, RepCal Herptivite Multivitamin once a month.
Watering - I have a mistking that I have scheduled to mist 5 times a day for 2 minutes each session. I never see her drink.
Fecal Description - Her fecal seems hydrated, her urine is white
History - I got her from petsmart

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo Med Medium Repti Breeze Aluminum Screen Cage
size: 16 x 16 x 30"
Lighting - I use a 60 watt incandescent house bulb for her basking spot, and a 5.0 zoomed reptisun compact bulb for her uvb. The lights are on for 12 hours a day. from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM
Temperature - Around 80 to 89 Degrees F. Overnight it gets to be around 70 to 74 Degrees F.
Humidity - The humidity is around 40% to 60%
Plants - I have a golden pothos and a dwarf hybiscus
Placement - On my dresser in my room
Location - Corpus Christi Texas
ya i would say your little girl is between 3-4 months old, she would be much darker typically if she was gravid with dark splotches all over, as another poster has recommended (JannB) has a excellent blog on the care of female Veiled's, regarding egg layin and general care. Definitely check it out. She is awfully cute, i would check her basking temps and in general over all temps if the cage, Veiled's like a variety in temps and will seek out the most comfortable temps throughout the day. Hope you work it out, this forum is a excellent source for chameleon related Q&A :)

Thank you for the reply! Ive checked out JannB's blog about female Veils when I first got Sophie but the thing that has been a constant issue is me trying to find out how old she actually is.
well. id say shes more towards 7-8months becuz she looks about like clair and that her estamated age;however, chams grow diffrently at diffrent rates. she could be older or younger. thats my guess. chams can lay eggs young. she is capable of produceing/laying eggs so you need a laying bin. their are blogs for this. look up jannb. shes is amazing with chams and this species.

Wow! Thats insane I cant believe she could actually be that old! Are you sure? She was very small when I got her from petsmart but she has grown dramatically since then and i have only had her for around 2 months.
well. id say shes more towards 7-8months becuz she looks about like clair and that her estamated age;however, chams grow diffrently at diffrent rates. she could be older or younger. thats my guess. chams can lay eggs young. she is capable of produceing/laying eggs so you need a laying bin. their are blogs for this. look up jannb. shes is amazing with chams and this species.

If she is ready to lay eggs how long do you think i have to create an egg laying bin before she becomes egg bound?
She could well be just exploring a bit. She does look a little young to me to have eggs, but as mentioned it's very hard to be sure. She would probably be scratching around (trying to dig) if she had eggs. She would also almost certainly stop eating for a few days/ a week before laying........ Might as well get yourself a laying bin though, can't hurt to get her used to it before she needs it.
alrite. i think she def could be that old BECUZ. when animals are not treated right they stay sicker/smaller. i got clair form petsmart and she did the same thing. she grew alot sunndly becuz she had all the right things. your is probally a little older. they told me mine was a year(BS). but shes probally 7 mnths. 8 would be pushings it and 6 mights be a little more in the green. its really hard to tell. if sandra says 5 mnths i lean towards her anwser becuz she is much more ecperinced with these animals than i. hold on and i look over the new info given.
you will need a large laying bin. some people use those big black garbage cans. put about 12inches of playsand and make shure you can digg a hole that wont fall in. i cant describe this as well as someone who knows more so please go to jannb's blog to read her info on females and laying bins. when she does lay eggs someday you'll want to leave her alone so she doesnt get nervous and not lay her eggs.
She could well be just exploring a bit. She does look a little young to me to have eggs, but as mentioned it's very hard to be sure. She would probably be scratching around (trying to dig) if she had eggs. She would also almost certainly stop eating for a few days/ a week before laying........ Might as well get yourself a laying bin though, can't hurt to get her used to it before she needs it.

I think she is too young also! But how old do you think she is? And how long do you think i have before she lays eggs? And i havent really seen her digging or scratching but she has been around the bottom corners way more than usual. She has also been eating like a maniac!
Temperature - Around 80 to 89 Degrees F. Overnight it gets to be around 70 to 74 Degrees F.
This is a little hot for a young female Veiled. Is that the basking temp or the ambient? 70F is enough in the cool corner or the bottom. 80-82F is enough for her to bask in......
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, Female, unsure of her age because I bought her at petsmart. I've had her for 2 months.
Handling - every couple of days
Feeding - 10 to 15 small crickets every morning, a wax worm or two every other day, super worms every couple of days and I recently got some mealworms so im starting to feed her a couple of those every couple of days. --shes doesnt need many mealworms and to many super worms. they can case problems do to their "shells" theirs a word for this. starts with a C. think its chitan.-- Im gut loading my crickets with romaine lettuce--no value, carrots, apples, almonds, sesame seeds, and I recently started to use Repashy Superpig for gutload too.--criket crack and bug burger are what i hear is good. are you useing water cubes or anything? criekts can drown
Supplements - I dust my crickets with Reptivite Calcium without D3 every day (I skip a day or two every week), Reptivite Calcium with D3 once a month, RepCal Herptivite Multivitamin once a month.--good. you can use that once or twice a mnths. id pick days(like to 10th and 20th every mnth)
Watering - I have a mistking that I have scheduled to mist 5 times a day for 2 minutes each session. I never see her drink.
Fecal Description - Her fecal seems hydrated, her urine is white
History - I got her from petsmart

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo Med Medium Repti Breeze Aluminum Screen Cage
size: 16 x 16 x 30"thats a tid small but is ok for now. females dont need as large cages as males but a little bigger wuddnt hurt.
Lighting - I use a 60 watt incandescent house bulb for her basking spot, and a 5.0 zoomed reptisun compact bulb for her uvb. The lights are on for 12 hours a day. from 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM
Temperature - Around 80 to 89 Degrees F. Overnight it gets to be around 70 to 74 Degrees F. TO HOT 80 should be the hottest
Humidity - The humidity is around 40% to 60%
Plants - I have a golden pothos and a dwarf hybiscus
Placement - On my dresser in my room
Location - Corpus Christi Texas

This is my first time anwsering like this. hope its helpful
alrite. i think she def could be that old BECUZ. when animals are not treated right they stay sicker/smaller. i got clair form petsmart and she did the same thing. she grew alot sunndly becuz she had all the right things. your is probally a little older. they told me mine was a year(BS). but shes probally 7 mnths. 8 would be pushings it and 6 mights be a little more in the green. its really hard to tell. if sandra says 5 mnths i lean towards her anwser becuz she is much more ecperinced with these animals than i. hold on and i look over the new info given.

She was tiny when i got her from petsmart, this picture was taken the day i got her. And its been two months and now she is huge! The guy from petsmart told me she might be around a couple of weeks or a month old (but i do know that they almost always know nothing)


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I think she is too young also! But how old do you think she is? And how long do you think i have before she lays eggs? And i havent really seen her digging or scratching but she has been around the bottom corners way more than usual. She has also been eating like a maniac!

It would be a guess, little more......growth rates are so different, but to compare her to mine (raised at a very good pet shop, not that I have any ideas about petsmart except what I have read on the forum......). I would guess at 4 months, but if petsmart kept her badly she may be older.....
It would be a guess, little more......growth rates are so different, but to compare her to mine (raised at a very good pet shop, not that I have any ideas about petsmart except what I have read on the forum......). I would guess at 4 months, but if petsmart kept her badly she may be older.....

thats what i think. mabey older becuz reptiles wont grow as well when their not taken care of. you should it. they have a neonate at mine and put it on sale. GRR. (its like 3-4weeks old female)
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