Hello Everyone! Sambava Time!


I used to be active here, but when I moved from Hawaii in 2013 I was forced to give away my Jacksons. But now, living in Florida, I've been bit by the Cham Bug again!

This time it's a Sambava Panther! I've always wanted one if these!

Any advice on switching to this species is greatly appreciated, and any info you have on SAMBAVA I would relish. Kinda difficult getting hard facts off the internet.. First hand stories I would give more credit.

Anyways! Looking forward to another Chameleon adventure!

Here's a picture of the little guy, 3 months old.. Can't wait to see his colors evolve!


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Here's another picture, you can start to see some of the bands, and how the horizontal body stripe is broken up. I wonder if these patterns and stripes remain fairly constant as males grown or not? I know the colors will change, but it looks like I can start to see the beginning of the "u" pattern stripe on the side.. Maybe a "w"?


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Hey! I'm starting to see some oranges and teals! Plus that "spot" he's developing!


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2 sheds later!

He's getting bigger and showing some colors!


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Looks great! I don't have any sambava's however he looks close to showing his adult colors, once my panthers got that pastel look the next sheds brought out vibrant greens and blue sometimes the yellows, seems like red is last to really fill out.
He looks great. Who's the sire? I have a sambava, he's nearly six years old now. If you check out my blog, you can see pics of him and growth information as well.
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