hand washing


New Member
I was wonder after holding or touching your chameleon do you have to wash you hand because some kinds of pet you do have to wash you hands after handling. But I am just not sure about chameleons if any one can answer my question that would be great! thanks!:):):)
these kinds of questions scare me

But to answer your question. Yes, you probably should wash your hands after handling your chameleon.
Do you truly have to? no.
should you do so anyways? yes.
should do so frequently anyhow, and after handling ANY pet/animal (or small child - those things are germy!)
Well, I dont always wash my hands after handeling my chams, but I do after cleaning up poop :eek:

I wash after handling dubia though, mostly because they nearly always pee on me!!
I've read that chameleons are much less likely than other reptiles to carry salmonella, but they can carry other bacteria and parasites. I typically try to wash my hands after handling my cham (and most any animal). It's good practice, but not entirely necessary.
I am the paranoid type and wash my hands before and after touching my reptiles. I will clean a cage, wash hands, clean cage, wash hands etc. For 4 reptiles. I just want to ensure I dont get one sick if another one was sick.
I actually wash my hands before handling my chameleon more often than the reverse (although I should always wash after too!). I'm always concerned about scented lotions, soaps, household cleaners, outside germs, etc. But I'm a worry wart :D
I have a dozen or so bottles of sanitizer around the house.

I'm not sure how much regular hand soap actually kills in regards to bacteria they might have.
I never do. Big mistake... Living with Salmonella every day now and it probably came from my cham. It kind of sucks.. so yes, do wash your hands.
I never do. Big mistake... Living with Salmonella every day now and it probably came from my cham. It kind of sucks.. so yes, do wash your hands.

Or contaminated food products. Salmonella is very common; you can pick it up almost anywhere. Don't be too quick to blame your cham, and definitely protect him from cross contamination from you! Another reason to wash your hands before and after :)
Or contaminated food products. Salmonella is very common; you can pick it up almost anywhere. Don't be too quick to blame your cham, and definitely protect him from cross contamination from you! Another reason to wash your hands before and after :)

It could be! But in sweden it is very rare actually. And I got it the week after I got my cham and interacted with her twice that week without washing my hands so I just think it may be her but ofcourse it can be from my food intake also :)
Agree with the above.. Not entirely necessary but definitely best practice.

Salmonella is nothing on 5 months on amoebic dysentery anyway. Ha
Agree with the above.. Not entirely necessary but definitely best practice.

Salmonella is nothing on 5 months on amoebic dysentery anyway. Ha

Oh, yeah? Well, I'm mildly lactose intolerant!

Lol, I like how a handwashing conversation has turned into an intestinal distress competition :D
I have a dozen or so bottles of sanitizer around the house.

I'm not sure how much regular hand soap actually kills in regards to bacteria they might have.

I love this debate, antimicrobials vs regular soaps. Regular soap can destroy the bacterial cell wall of most that can cause harm, but what you dont want to do is kill (with antibacterial soap) the normal flora we have on our skin that will take up more space, thus the pathogens wont have and giving us a better chance staying healthy. When we over use antimicrobials we clear the pallet and invite pathogens to take over the empty space. ;) So although it may not kill what they have we greaten the chance of infection if we clear our own fighters:D
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