Hand Feeding Injured Chameleon...Help?


New Member
Ok so I know I just was on a couple days ago, I will post the 'How to Ask for Help' survey again if need be.

To make a long story short, my Cham went to the vet yesterday and he has as fracture in his arm. He is not allowed to move around much and has to be fed by me since he cannot climb around/hunt.

I can get him to eat his wax worms from me pretty well.

My biggest problem is trying to get him to eat crickets. I am not sure at all how to feed them to him myself.

I'm not sure if this is really in the right thread or not but I just need some help.

Also, here are some pictures of him today. NOTHING like what the pictures from before were like. I know people were worried about him being skinny and having twists in his spine.


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To hand feed crickets you can hold one of their back legs and hold them out for him. If you don't like to touch the crickets you can put them in a cup and hold it in front of him.
I am sure you know that your chameleon has MBD(metabolic bone disease). So he cannot shoot his tongue? Did the vet give him any calcium injections? Waxworms are about the worst feeder out there. Just balls of fat is all they are. If that is all you can get him to eat, when he opens his mouth for the waxworm, then put a cricket in there.
He actually doesn't have MBD.
He just had all sorts of x-rays and tests yesterday. He is in danger of developing it but fingers-crossed it doesn't get there.

He can shoot his tongue out just fine. The biggest problem is that he can't climb around and hunt for them.

I am aware that wax worms are high in fat. In my area, I only have so many options and I am so exhausted by everyone telling me everything is so inadequate :(

I ask about meal worms -- they are bad.
waxworms -- bad

I am at a lost and just so tired.

I really just need help with the hand feeding.

I am doing everything I can.

I got sound advice from a medical professional and am really confident with that.

I will try exchanging a cricket for a wax worm. And will also try putting some in a dish for him.
And before anyone warns me, I know that they can get large fat deposits in their livers from eating too many wax worms. Which is why I came for help. I need him to get something else.
Silk worms seems to be much too large for him. He is on the smaller side.
Or maybe I just saw some freakishly large ones. I'm not really sure.
I am sorry, but your chameleon has MBD. That is why his bones are breaking. Research MBD, and you will see your chameleon looks exactly like the ones that have it. I don't know what kind of vet you saw but he is wrong....If he does not have it then what DOES he have? Chameleons legs to not curve like that...
I am not trying to be mean here, but trust me your chameleon has MBD. And if the vet told you he does not, then he does not know what MBD is.
Is there any way to delete this thread?

I am obviously not getting the help I need.

I need help with getting him to eat.

That is my biggest concern. He NEEDS calcium. That is what matters. I just asked for some help.
Your vet needs to give him calcium injections if you want him to get better. We are trying to help you and you do not want to listen. I told you how to try and get him to eat a cricket. How did you chameleon get in this condition? Did you buy him like this? If not we need to know what kind of supplements you are using, what kind of UVB light you are using so we can help you so your chameleon does not get any worse.
Ok great. Fine. Let's say he has MBD.

Now can I please get some assistance in helping him eat his food so he can get some calcium.

Like I originally asked.

Especially because he has MBD and NEEDS CALCIUM. Which means he needs to EAT.

Should I try some other food options? He is small. I can't do silkworms. wax worms are bad apparently. meal worms are bad apparently. super worms are bad apparently.

I need some help with suggestions instead of thing that are a no.
I have been provided with plenty of things I shouldn't do I just really need some things I SHOULD do.
No calcium injections. He said he didn't want to overload him.

He has a Zilla 15watt UVB light. When I got him his crest was crocked. I don't know if he has always had MBD or not since, apparently, I just wasted $200 yesterday.

He also goes outdoors a few times a week.

I have a powder calcium without d3 that he gets dusted on his food and a vitamin supplement that is sprayed on. I have already been informed the spray is not great.

The d3 calcium powder is added once a month for a few feedings in a week, if that makes sense.
Let me ask you something here. What did you vet tell you to do as fas as the best way to get calcium into your chameleon?. When a chameleon has MBD the quickest and fastest way to get calcium in to the bones is via injection. You said you cannot do silks? Is there a reason for this? They are one of the highest worms around as fas as calcium content. That would be a great feeder.
You can answer your own question about MBD as to whether he has always had it or not: It is simple, if his legs looked that way when you bought him, then yes, he was sold to you with MBD. If not, then it was caused by something in your care.
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