Getting my new chams today!!! :D

Hey guys I've got a few quick questions. How long should I let my dripper drip it's 1.5 liter bottle and it dripps into my scheflarra. Also Any one have any good humidity trick? I woke up with my humidity at 40%. When I left this morning it was at I think 70%. The basking spot was 70 degrees. What brand on incandescent bulbs do you guys use? Mine seems to hurt my males eyes since he closes them when he is under it but when I turn it off he opens them. I turned it off for now because I don't want to hurt his eye balls. :eek: Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks guys! :D
Let it drip all day and not at night one drip per second. Also i have heard that people use ultrasonic humidifiers that you can get at wal-greens. Just blow it into the top of the cage.
Let it drip all day and not at night one drip per second. Also i have heard that people use ultrasonic humidifiers that you can get at wal-greens. Just blow it into the top of the cage.

Very nice Jackson's!!! :)

Wont that give my scheflarra root rot though if the soil is constantly wet?
Thanks Cadance!
Also the male with get about 14" and the female 12-13" right?
What humidity should I leave the enclosure through out the day? It is about 60-70 after misting.
In the winter, heating systems often dry out the air much more than we realize.
The humidity in my house was down to about 30% and it was giving my son nosebleeds--so I got a humidifier .
It helps to keep the chams' air humid also.
Mine is a cool air humidifier, so it isn't making the electric bill skyrocket.

I try to keep my Jackson's humidity above 70% and up to 80-85% is fine.
You don't want it to be a constantly wet environment either, as that encourages respiratory infections to set in.
I avoided foggers and the ultrasonic humidifiers because I worrird about the potential for RIs to set in.
Perhaps I am wrong on the ultrasonics and foggers but I didn't want to chance it.

The males tend to have a sleeker build, while the females look a bit rounder overall--and yes, they are smaller than the males.
Final size and weight is variable, but my male Jackson's Karma had been 115 grams. He was not fat at all.
Even though she was a bit too fat, my female Snowflake was only about 70 grams.

The incandescent bulbs are just regular ones like Philips or Sylvania that you'd use in a regular lamp.
Maybe the wattage is too high or it's a halogen bulb and is brighter.
For mine a 40 watt bulb is good but the basking temp it provides depends on how far from the basking spot it actually is and what the room temp is.
Your Jackson's do need the warmth to digest their food and metabolize the nutrients properly.
I think I had a 65 on him because the 40 didn't do enough but I accidently broke it yesterday and I need to get a new one today. But I put plastic on three of the sides halfway down to help keep the water from spraying all over my walls and I have been able to keep the humidity around 70-80 because of it. I also have raised them temps to about 85 on his basking spot so the male is doing much better.
Glad he is feeling better Tetsuo.
Chams are such finicky little buggers.

MCSEB, it's like being a kid waiting for Christmas to get here :)
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