Geoffery Eats An Idolomantis


Avid Member
This is the only thing my cham has ever eaten while he was out of his cage. For some reason, he just won't eat while out. I even covered that piece of wood with superworms today and no go. I obviously missed the shot I was after. I don't know how I was so far off, but I've been kicking myself ever since I took it, especially since I've spent a few hours trying to get him to nab the mantis in the second pic, which is the exact same setup, just a different mantis than in the first. Maybe tomorrow.....


Still great pics! Geoffrey looks like a hungry young fighter lol. I hope you can get the middle one tommorrow :D
Beautiful photos! Are you trying to get one for the photo contest? I definitely hope so, these are tremendous.
Thanks guys.

Beautiful photos! Are you trying to get one for the photo contest? I definitely hope so, these are tremendous.
Yes, I am trying for the contest, but I wanted a good tongue shot of him getting a mantis before I even got him, so it just worked out that the subject of the contest is eating.
Thanks for posting this so I wont waste my time trying in the photo contest this month! :D
I'd like to know too! Is this an outdoor setup or are you using indoor lighting? Would love to know because these are flippin' terrific photos! Kudos and PLEASE, more.
I am shooting a Canon 7D. This shot was taken in my bedroom with the wall for the background, a flash duct taped to the ceiling next to the wall pointing down and hitting the wall, another flash taped to the ceiling fan pointing down at the cham setup that was just to the side of the middle of the room(ceiling fan). The pic of him that won November's contest where the background is green, was taken the same way but was in a guest bedroom. I guess I got lucky and the people who owned the house before me painted the walls appropriate colors for cham shots.
I am shooting a Canon 7D. This shot was taken in my bedroom with the wall for the background, a flash duct taped to the ceiling next to the wall pointing down and hitting the wall, another flash taped to the ceiling fan pointing down at the cham setup that was just to the side of the middle of the room(ceiling fan). The pic of him that won November's contest where the background is green, was taken the same way but was in a guest bedroom. I guess I got lucky and the people who owned the house before me painted the walls appropriate colors for cham shots.
They are absolutely brilliant. Thank you for the tips!
Has anyone out there had any problems feeding Chams Mantises? I would love to feed some to mine but I'm prone to the Murphy effect. All I can see is a spike or spine from one of those front legs poking an eye, or slicing into a tongue.
Has anyone out there had any problems feeding Chams Mantises? I would love to feed some to mine but I'm prone to the Murphy effect. All I can see is a spike or spine from one of those front legs poking an eye, or slicing into a tongue.
I have wondered the same thing. I don't think I would risk feeding a large aggressive mantis to one for that reason. I just keep imagining it clamping down and doing damage on his tongue. I have no worries with these wimpy Idolos though.

You fed a $50 mantis to a cham?
It's just money, right? I'm on a mission to get a good photo. Seriously though, it only had 3 legs and there is pretty much zero chance a 3 legged Idolo will molt or live more than a day as an adult. The other one in the bottom pic, which is still alive, is not only missing a leg too, but is also missing a raptor and that one won't even make it to it's next molt because of its injuries. I do have 3 healthy subadult Idolos that I will not be feeding my cham.
I'm sorry, but did someone mention a $50 mantis?? :eek: There are few things that I would pay fiddy bucks for and a mantis isn't one of them... :eek: :D I say this to still say, great shots! ;)
Wow! These pictures are incredible! I absolutely love your cham and his colors. What kind of cham is he?
I'm sorry, but did someone mention a $50 mantis?? :eek: There are few things that I would pay fiddy bucks for and a mantis isn't one of them... :eek: :D I say this to still say, great shots! ;)
It is pretty high when you know they won't live long. The last adult male Idolo I bought I paid $70 shipped and he lived about 3 weeks before he spazzed out and killed himself by squeezing in a tight spot that I didn't think was possible. This last group were I think L4's when I bought them and only paid $40 shipped for 7 of them, so less than 5 bucks each before shipping.

Wow! These pictures are incredible! I absolutely love your cham and his colors. What kind of cham is he?
Thanks. He's a mix, mostly Ambilobe.
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