First Cameleon


New Member
So, Im heading out to a reptile expo soon, and I plan on getting a chameleon. I'm really set on a flap necked chameleon, but if they didnt have one, Id chose a carpet or veiled. I have a 2' x 2' terrarium with a waterfall. Im wondering, currently I have coco fiber substrate in there but Im not sure if thats okay for a chameleon. I need all the info I can get. Thanks alot!
I would take out the waterfall if I were you. They are a breeding ground for bacteria, and it will make your chameleon sick if it drinks from it. As for the substrate, a lot of the people on here, myself included, don't use any substrate because it could impact your cham if it ingests it. Paper towels make for an easy clean up though. If you upload a picture of what you have in your terrarium so far, it would be easier to let you know what is needed and not needed a lot easier :)
Oh so no waterfall? I have no problem changing the water in there everyday, do you think that would be okay? Also I have no brances, vines or plants yet, so its the waterfall and the coco fiber substrate. I have heat lamps, UVB etc. from my collection of reptiles but this shall be my first chameleon.
take the waterfall out and use a dripper and in my opinion i wouldn't use any substrate i would put paper towels or something like that in the bottom
Alright I will, thank you. Good thing I didnt pay any money for it lol. Do chameleons prefer thick planted terrariums or semi?
Alright I will, thank you. Good thing I didnt pay any money for it lol. Do chameleons prefer thick planted terrariums or semi?

Lots of foliage is good as long as it's the right foliage and it's useful and safe... meaning if it's either a) potentially harmful or b) can't be used for climbing, it's not beneficial.
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