Female peacock chameleon


Established Member
I have an opportunity to purchase a female peacock chameleon from someone local to me. Before I commit to anything I was wondering if someone could tell me how their husbandry needa differ from a veiled?
I would say they do have very few things in common,yemen are a more desert and dry environment type of chameleons and peacocks as well as most trioceros are low temperatures high humidity and oversensitive to oversupplementation.
I would check before buying to be sure that I have a good gutloading basis.
also they may be sensitive to handling so you have to be willing to commit to keep your hands off if they don´t response well to it
The only thing the 2 species have in common is being chameleons.

I would suggest doing some reading about the highlands of Cameroon.

Did you ever buy one?.. I have been looking all over for a peacock chameleon... I bought one years ago and he was coolest pet I ever had... Extremely personable, preferred to eat from my hand... Super friendly... Awesome little guy... Just wondering if u know where to find one...

I have an opportunity to purchase a female peacock chameleon from someone local to me. Before I commit to anything I was wondering if someone could tell me how their husbandry needa differ from a veiled?
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