Female Panther Care Sheet

Good idea Harry, to create this. I agree people can be unnecessarily scared off of owning females, and having positive words and advice can alleviate that fear.

I might provide more detail, even images, of what a gavid female looks like. Also, Im a proponent of providing a large egg laying bin in the females normal cage, rather than just a small indication pot which requires you then move her right when she least wants to be bothered. I also prefer sand to soil, or a mix, but that's just preference. You may want to indicate the damp soil needs to be able to hold a tunnel. that may help people figure out how damp is damp enough or too damp.

It might also be worthwhile to have a little more detail on volume of food, and best temp range for females. I seems to me people generally tend to overfeed (both males and females).
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