Female or Male?


hey everyone! I am new to this forum so I apologize in advance if this is the wrong section. I am a member of another forum but not chameleon related so I know it can be annoying to post in the wrong area

Anyway, in November my boyfriend bought a baby Panther chameleon from his boss at the pet store he works at. We own a veiled chameleon who is a male, and wanted a male Panther chameleon as well. The Panther hatched November 8th I believe so it is over 2 months old. Still brown and small. I read you can determine the gender from their tail, if it has a bulge it is a male. But I cannot figure out if ours is a male or a female? Can anyone please help me identify "Raijins" gender? Thank you


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That's a little disappointing. Female panthers aren't vibrant like the male. Also, they lay eggs and that is something I've never experienced, with getting a sand container and what not. Well, I guess there's a first for everything :D
Hi Mshelle88,
Welcome to the forum, I wouldn't give up complete hope, the second pic is showing a bulge at the base of the tail. My guess would be male, without any better pics of the tail sticking straight. Hopefully a few more experienced members will chime in. Good looking little Cham
Hi Mshelle88,
Welcome to the forum, I wouldn't give up complete hope, the second pic is showing a bulge at the base of the tail. My guess would be male, without any better pics of the tail sticking straight. Hopefully a few more experienced members will chime in. Good looking little Cham
Dave I'm with you, I just left a message with Matt telling him we seem to disagree a lot about the sex of baby panthers! Lol. Looks like a male to me!
Be interesting to know the locale.
I tried to take some better photos. Currently; Raijin is in a butterfly net cage like thing with a UV strip light fixed on top. Some branches to climb. We already have another cage waiting for him/her to live in when it's a little bigger. We will also provide a misting system like we do for our veiled. I don't have a heat light set up because I read their temp. Should be around 70-80 and that is room temperature at my house... However if this is incorrect I have a heat lamp I can use.

Edit* Raijin is also eating small crickets (was eating pinheads about 3 weeks ago) and we do gut load them and dust them.


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Sometimes I see a bulge and sometimes I don't :') so this guessing is annoying lol. My boyfriend and I agreed male, then he changed his mind and said female, but I still feel uncertain. I feel aroind 2 months Is old enough to determine gender...


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Still looks male to me.
I think you should always give a panther the option to warm up under a basking bulb, keeping your house warmer just means a lower wattage bulb. Not being able to bask may be contributing to your MALE showing darker colors.
I'm new to this and I can't post my own thing yet but I know positively I have a female veiled. She doesn't have spurs or a bulge by her tail but she's two years old now and has never laid eggs? I don't breed her but I know they're supposed to lay them even if that's not the case. She hasn't shown any signs of eggs in her tummy.
Here is Eddy at first I thought she was a male but just stuck with the name.


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