feeding baby chameleons to big Chameleons


New Member
Just posted this at the end of another thread, but did not get any responses.... So then I thought I should start a new thread.

Ok, so, we have lots of knowledgable people on here.... I need some advice.

let me know how to make this work out the best...

I am going to keep my Ambilobe in the cage by himself then I am going to feed him little pygmy chams and small baby female chams (obviously because the females are cheaper) He may not be receptive to this at first but I will trick him by gluing the little chams to big crickets... This way he will get used to the taste of chameleons.
The reason for this is so that my Ambelobe will absorbe all of the other chameleons chameleon power (like on Jet Li's "The One") Once he has trippled in size and speed, I am going to use him to start chameleon cage fighting.

Anyone that wants to build a super cham to combat mine, let me know. Mine is going to be called Artey, the chameleon luchadore.
I'm going to cross a Ousalet with a quad, then make titanium horn extensions. Beware the SuperCham!

Submitted for your consideration,
Just posted this at the end of another thread, but did not get any responses.... So then I thought I should start a new thread.

Ok, so, we have lots of knowledgable people on here.... I need some advice.

let me know how to make this work out the best...

I am going to keep my Ambilobe in the cage by himself then I am going to feed him little pygmy chams and small baby female chams (obviously because the females are cheaper) He may not be receptive to this at first but I will trick him by gluing the little chams to big crickets... This way he will get used to the taste of chameleons.
The reason for this is so that my Ambelobe will absorbe all of the other chameleons chameleon power (like on Jet Li's "The One") Once he has trippled in size and speed, I am going to use him to start chameleon cage fighting.

Anyone that wants to build a super cham to combat mine, let me know. Mine is going to be called Artey, the chameleon luchadore.

are you serious?
trust me gluing crickets is unnecessary, i know from experience.

they really took "a modest proposal" to heart.

if i still owned johnathan swift we could battle them but ill be needing to splice some sort of hinged jaw onto him before battle. maybe add a scorpion tail to the end of his....and some batwings.
I think this plan would work well because the combined Chameleon powers do absorb better due to genetic similarity I have read some research showing that if you use acidic dusting to break down some of the DNA structure of the feeders the chams can absorb the powers of other species and even inert objects.

Thus I suggest the following recipe: Take a baby shark and a mantis bound together with titanium wire dusted with my proprietary DNA acid vita mixture.

I am selling my proprietary DNA cid mixture under the brand name "Evil Dan's DNA Acid" available through most Evil Mastermind retailers if you're interested.

(I couldn't resist playing)
I have heard about that, genetic acid adsorption dusting is a technique most often used in Quam. Some locals there have used this technique and released their chameleons back into the wild. Experts are forcasting Quam to be the mecha of powerful canabil chameleons before the world ends in December this year...
I have heard about that, genetic acid adsorption dusting is a technique most often used in Quam. Some locals there have used this technique and released their chameleons back into the wild. Experts are forcasting Quam to be the mecha of powerful canabil chameleons before the world ends in December this year...

And now we know the real mechanism for end times as foretold in Mayan Prophecy! ha haa
Hey Hoj, you are a moderator now? Who died and left you Pope?...ha! Congratulations...I guess...:D
I have heard about that, genetic acid adsorption dusting is a technique most often used in Quam. Some locals there have used this technique and released their chameleons back into the wild. Experts are forcasting Quam to be the mecha of powerful canabil chameleons before the world ends in December this year...

Pass the douchie...
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