Dying Veiled at Petco...


New Member
Hi All. Just thought I would share this story in hopes of some advice from you all. My boyfriend and I live near a Petsmart and there is an adult female veiled that has been there for bout 2 months now. They have near placed very close to the ground in a small glass aquarium. Her conditions are horrible (as most chams in pet stores are). My biggest concern is that for the past month or so, everytime we go in there, her eyes are completely shut. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to sound like a bossy know-it-all. But yesterday was just the icing on the cake. She looks like she is ready to die any minute. She's completely lifeless and her eyes are still shut. I finally said something. The guy said he hadn't realized her eyes were shut until this morning and that they were planning on taking her to a vet because this happened to a cham at "his" other petsmart and all it was was an eye infection. So she should be fine. Totally of subject but when we asked for superworms he said they didn't have any, turns out we look under where the crickets were and sure enough there were a ton of superworms. Point being that this guy had no idea what he was talking about at all. I realize a lot of times people who are hired in pet stores don't know every little thing about every animal and especially chameleons...BUT, in this case it's so sad because we have literally been watching this chameleon die for the last couple months. We couldn't just NOT say anything anymore. Turns out, we left before I opened my mouth anymore. My question to all of you is, do you think there is anyway if we got a hold of a manager or something ...if we took the cham to the vet, helped kind of revive it, then maybe give it back to to petsmart as long as they had the right living conditions for her??? Totally unrealistic, huh?:confused: Or if there is someone out there who has had a similar thing happen to them or knows what I could do, it would really help!! I'm really upset about this....:(
That is so sad. There are people on here who had to deal with this before. One those people even got to keep one of the chams from the petsmart because they explained and argued with the manager. Maybe you should try that or atleast explain that the chameleon is in a horrible physical state and you know much more about it than they do. They may let you have it.
The Petsmart here is the same way, although I have never seen a chameleon there that was in as rough a shape as yours, the ones here are just dehydrated and in very small cages, (made of glass with a screen top, and are in something no bigger than 12"x12"X12".

Unfortunatley there is nothing we can do about them having or selling these pets. The only thing I can think of is become a volunteer at the store and spend some time with the reptiles there. Talk to the manager about it, I know it is time consuming though so if you don't have the time to it is understandable.

Unless we can get alot and I mean alot of users on the forum to check the petsmarts near them and prove these conditions are terrible, we can start a case to ban Petsmart from carrying these reptiles, or have it that they have to have a herp experienced person available to care for them.

Until then this will continue on, you can try talking to the manager of the Petsmart tell him it needs the care of a vet, request that you can take it to the vet get it fixed on their bill not yours. and you will care for it at your house or something and they have to provide you with what you need, try to become a shelter lol. When it is good you can return it to the store but they have to provide the appropriate conditions. I doubt this would happen though, good luck to you if you try it.
Since I have been on this forum I have heard the same sad story many times about Petsmart. I know there has to be a few (very few) stores that do know how to care for our beloved chams, but so very many don't. There has never been anything that anyone has been able to do except try to talk the manager into giving them the cham and trying to rescue it. Even with time, attention and money, it is often too late.
Thank you soooo much for all your replies. I think that's all I needed to boost me up to call the manager. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being totally unrealistic when I was saying I wanted to possibly talk the manager into letting me get this cham back to good health. I know at this point, it may be too late, but I would HATE to see it die and us just sit back and watch and not even TRY to save it if we could. So thanks guys....I'm going to call the manager on my break at work. Also, if they don't let me take the cham, I will ask if I can volunteer there to help get him back on track.
Called the store, a lady picked up and I asked if there was a manager I could speak to. She said I AM THE MANAGER. Told her what I thought of the situation, she lied, and said that they sold that chameleon on Thursday...well we were in the store Sunday...it was there. She said she appreciates my concerns but they very much so know what they are doing and hung up on me. Ohwell:(
you put petco in the topic heading but then say it's petsmart. the best thing for you to do is not give them your business and tell your friends/family the same.

there is a pet place in my town that is absolutely horrendous. the animals look like they're practically begging you to take them home. they're not very smart either, like sticking newts in the same tank with a water turtle. yep, he was picking them off one by one. they sell crickets cheap there but i don't give them my $.
wouldnt it be nice to start up a chain store like this where they actually educate the employees on how to take care of animals like chameleons and put them in adequate housing.

My best friend from highschool now is a manager at a petsmart in austin and he told me that they try not to get high maintenance animals in, but sometimes petsmart sends them to them with a small list of instructions and they are expected to be sold within 3 days.

He has also said that they have had animals dropped off at the store like chameleons, snakes, turtles, etc. and they put them in foster homes.
you put petco in the topic heading but then say it's petsmart. the best thing for you to do is not give them your business and tell your friends/family the same.

there is a pet place in my town that is absolutely horrendous. the animals look like they're practically begging you to take them home. they're not very smart either, like sticking newts in the same tank with a water turtle. yep, he was picking them off one by one. they sell crickets cheap there but i don't give them my $.

Sorry for that, it IS Petsmart not Petco....but just for the record I have been to Petcos that keep their chams in horrible living conditions...
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in very small cages, (made of glass with a screen top, and are in something no bigger than 12"x12"X12".

12x12x12 is extremely generous if you ask me. You and I have been in petsmart together many times and its sad what people to do make a buck.

But as unfortunate as it is, that’s the reality... It's one of troughs things where if you had the money/time/space to pick up every sickly animal in these places, you know. People on the forum have big hearts, hopefully that cham will find a good home.
Well, I think as a community there is a lot we can do to stop this, first, DON'T buy them! if there is no demmand it will be no sale, if you know someone interested, ask them to visit a forum like this one and find reputable breeder. And second and this a major one, DON'T sell your chams to Pet stores! How many of the breeders have you seen doing this before? I've seen new breeders that end up with 50 baby veilds and more on the oven and as soon as they realize how much time and effort it is to raise the little chams, they just sell them to pet stores for peanuts. As a breeder, think what are yoru plans when your babies hatch? How are you going to sale or distribute them? Just My 2 ¢.
There has 2 be a law or something that they can get fine for not maintaining a chameleon or any animal for that matter in a regular health condition. Its upsert how these things happen. hopefully someone can find or talk 2 animal control on there rules n regulation on stores. Its just time that takes a toll in find out n search for the rights answer n loop holes 2 crack this on the head of these stores. . i bet they would move pretty fast not 2 pay extra for an animal they can take care of . . hopefully ur able 2 @ leats volunteer or find a way 2 get her a home. .
mada, if you tell me which petsmart it is, i can attempt to do something about it.

It's the Petsmart in Buckeye AZ. I'll post the phone number and address:
(623) 327-1444
466 S Watson Rd
Buckeye, AZ

....It's a store filled with unknowledgable employees and ignorant managers.
I hate seeing any retile at petco or petsmart. They really just dont care for them properly. Makes me want to buy them all everytime I go in and see them.
I hate seeing any retile at petco or petsmart. They really just dont care for them properly. Makes me want to buy them all everytime I go in and see them.

It is sad. And you know what? If they were not treating a cat or dog properly all hell would break loose. Reptiles are no different and especially ones who need so much proper care. It's horrible:mad:
I feel sorry for that cham. Its hard to just let it sit there in pain. But .. The manager will buy a new one if you buy it or take it.

THOUGH!!! I feeeel soooo TERRIBLE of those PRIVATE OWNERS that treat their Reptiles, Dogs , Cats . EVERY SINGLE PET LIKE CRAP! They are the majority of treating pets bad!

Here in sweden , if you do. You get jail or fine.
The fine is about 1500$
Jail, Up to 2 years.

Us got any laws about animal abuse?
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