dubia ootheca help.. not attached.


just got a colony a few days ago and today i noticed an ootheca on the bottom of the bin, not attached to anything... any ideas? also when the babies hatch is the ootheca discarded whole? or does it get eaten? the ootheca still appeared to be intact, just starting to dry up. didnt notice any large number of "white babies" in the bin, only a few. i tried to do a search but they were all about the ootheca actually sticking out of the female, thanks.
the ootheca is the egg case.. i believe they hatch inside of that but the female usually keeps the ootheca inside of her, then the babies come out.... i think.
yeah i left it in the breeder bin... im just curious as to if this is a sign of impending temperature/humidity doom or if you get a stray ootheca every now and then.
This would be pure guess on my part buuut. From reading they take the egg case back inside to incubate. could it be too hot to incubate inside of the body? The other guess would be they are infertile? It seems likely they would not retract the eggs if they were not fertile. Again pure speculation on my part.

im very curious to know the answer if somebody who actually breeds / raises them would know. This is a project I have planed for down the road and am in the process of assimilating information.

Resistance is futile :D
I'm not sure if the stress of shipping caused it or what. Doubt it was too hot as it was just roomair temp... around 75... it could of even happened while they were being shipped and i just didnt notice. Like I said I got them 2 days ago and noticed today while I was separating the breeders from feeders into different bins. I now have a 75 watt black light bulb which has the temp at 95 inside and I mist 3~4 sprays twice a day.. feeding cricket crack and water crystals.
You are GOOD to your roaches! Cricket Crack is like porterhouse steak to a roach!!!

My favorite fruits and vegetables for my roaches are apples, oranges, zucchini, yellow squash, and yams.

BTW, you don't need to mist them, the water crystals is all they need, unless you like to mist them...:D

So the water crystals are enough for humidity? I feed them porterhouse so my soon to be baby nosy be gets fed it as well lol.. October first can't come quick enough!
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