Dripper questions



Sorry if my questions have been answered in previous posts but I have a couple about drip systems.

I use a zoo med little dripper for my male veiled chameleon. The questions I have are:
1 How often should it drip?
2 Do I need to have the pipe attached to the end of the valve? I currently have it dripping straight through the mesh onto leaves.

The reason I am asking these questions as I have not seen my little guy drink for a while. He isn't dehydrated but I have lost one chameleon to this so I am a little paranoid. He is eating ok and I also mist his enclosure 3 times a day.
I drip mine like...drip,drip, drip like every second or a little longer. Don't worry if you don't see them drink. Some don't like drinking infront of people. I know my one chameleon does not even drink everyday, cause I usually have to drip water on his nose to get him to drink and some days he just sits there with his mouth closed. I think they will drink if it is slow. Atleast mine will. But if you are talking like 5-0 seconds per drip or something they might not notice it as much.
Thank you Carol. I think he is just shy and not drinking in front of us. I have increased the speed it drips. He looks ok any way I just hope he is.
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