Does my Chameleon hate me?

Yep 4 sure hates you but don't feel bad pretty much all of us are in this boat KIMG0134.JPG
I very much so disagree me and pete talk all the time :cautious: he just never has anything nice to say:(
Enjoyed your post.

Just in case you didn't already know, they don't hear the frequencies of the human voice.
Well, consider it this way....your cham is talking to you nonverbally with its entire body. I sometimes wonder if they get frustrated with us clueless humans "wow, I'm telling you I'm pissed/afraid/stressed/sick as hard as I can, so why don't you GET IT!"
And also, you can chatter to your cham all you want. They won't care. All they are receiving is the visual of your lips moving. It may or may not be of much interest.:LOL:
personally i wouldn't have bought that i mean you would want to get one from a breeder that has more tame/handleable ones. Panther chameleons are a bit more tame/less aggresive than veiled
I'm *very* close to pulling the trigger on my first cham (huge post w/video & pictures coming soon) and this has been my experience with other reptiles, esp. my iguana Alex. The first 10-15 years he was a jerk-face but as he got older he mellowed. The last 10years he was like a dog (my one friend would lug him around like a teddy bear and I'd caught her few times sleeping with him!). He's missed.

I've been reading the heck out of these forums for months and I've come to the conclusion chams just want to be left alone. Watch videos. A cham on cam (lol) seems to be saying "Welll...ooops...who are you? I'm a leaf. Yup. Just sittin' here doing leaf stuff. You can go away now. Thank you. Really. You can leave. bye bye. ok. go. seriously." HOWEVER I have a feeling once the critter starts to associate you with food that might change "'re back. Sorry, just us leaves here. You...ahhh...didn't happen to bring any creepy-crawly things with you again hmmm? Sure I'm just a leaf and all but some creepy-crawlies would be nice ya know. If you have any. You have some right? Ok...I'm going to do something VERY un-leaf like right now and I'm going creep towards you...don't panic. I'm still just a leaf. A hungry leaf.....annnnnd...bugs? Where are they!"

And...ok this sounds weird...but talk to it. "You want some food? I got food." Stuff like that. IF THE LIZARD TALKS BACK SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP!
funny and so true
@Lizzie The Chameleon Stressed out new owners aren't used to CF humor.
You have to break them in slow. Kinda like hand taming a cham.
haha, that is very true :) I am still stressed out (but not as new) and I probably would have cried if someone was sarcastically (funny) to me in the beginning.

I have a female veiled and I guess I've have been lucky - this girl is pretty mellow and doesn't make me suffer too much for all of my newbie mistakes. She did take time to warm up to me in the beginning. But I took the advice of those on the forums: added lots of foliage (a little at a time but it's good coverage now), used the care sheets to hit all of the husbandry needs, gave her time to settle in without bothering her too much and hand fed her special treats. Now if she would just lay her dang eggs, I would be one relieved mum.
I've had some veiled chameleons that will come right out on my had willingly and even wait at the cage door for me to let them out...then I had one that would race as fast as a chameleon can, down the branch and bite me for all he was worth no matter what I did to get him used to me.
Just like people, they all have different personalities!
The responses on this thread have me dying of laughter

We're new cham parents. We've had Calvin for 3 weeks tomorrow. She's quite friendly, eats out of my hand/my husbands hand. She just looks pissed off and unamused all the time. But she is quite lovely and always seems happy. We handle her quite a bit, and she has never hissed or bit either of us.


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Also, I pay close attention to her coloring because I read that when she's scared or mad she'll turn dark green/brown. That's generally when I put her back in her habitat and let her relax.
yeah sorry abou that guys haha. when i posted this i was also very new to CF. i was also 11, but that's really no excuse. i'm not really sure why i wrote it so rudely, and i was definitely not trying to be rude by any means. sorry about that guys, i really didn't mean to come across as rude whatsoever
yeah sorry abou that guys haha. when i posted this i was also very new to CF. i was also 11, but that's really no excuse. i'm not really sure why i wrote it so rudely, and i was definitely not trying to be rude by any means. sorry about that guys, i really didn't mean to come across as rude whatsoever
I definitely found it more amusing than rude. I was scrolling through taking screen shots and sending them to my husband because I found them hilarious. I was a bit stressed when we first got her (3 weeks ago) but she's healthy looking and always a good color. The only thing that freaks me out is when she looks at me with both eyes looking straight ahead at me. So weird..
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