Dark Green Color?


New Member
Charlotte has come up with a dark coloration and its not black, its just a dark green. Now she is aggressive, which goes without saying, but I feel like she gets too stressed when I mist and feed and whatnot. Also the humidity is very hard to keep at a constant 50%. It will drop as low as 30% before I can get home to mist her again. Any ideas on her coloration? I do have a parakeet in the room, but they have no vision of each other. Do yo think this might be a cause of the dark green coloration. Or is she taking on this deep green to soak up the heat?
Charlotte has come up with a dark coloration and its not black, its just a dark green. Now she is aggressive, which goes without saying, but I feel like she gets too stressed when I mist and feed and whatnot. Also the humidity is very hard to keep at a constant 50%. It will drop as low as 30% before I can get home to mist her again. Any ideas on her coloration? I do have a parakeet in the room, but they have no vision of each other. Do yo think this might be a cause of the dark green coloration. Or is she taking on this deep green to soak up the heat?

Does she show this dark green coloration regardless whether she's basking or not? If she turns darker mainly while basking she is trying to absorb heat faster. How old is she? Depending on age she might be gravid which may also explain her aggression.
She's like 6 inches. The source I purchased never said age. She isn't digging at the cage or anything but she is a dark green when I see her basking. But I'm not home most of the day, 8:30-4ish.
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