cricket breeding help!:)


New Member
What do i have to do to start breeding crickets? I only want to breed enough for one baby vailed. What do i need to get started any tips and advice are greatly appreciated thanks:):)
Well, you need a bin, adult crickets, and egg laying containers. We have tried several different mixtures and we currently use a mix of peat moss and play sand at about 1-1.5" thick, I would say our mixture is prob 80/sand 20/peat moss, and it needs to be very moist. Keep the egg laying container in the keeper bin for around 4 days to become full of eggs, temps need to be around 87 degrees. After 4 days remove the egg laying container, at this point we mist the dirt one more time and place in a tall plastic tote, darker the better. After around 10-13 days at 87 degrees you will have a ton of hatchling crickets, keep them in this tote with appropriate found and water until they reach your desired size for feeding. It's actually pretty simple to breed them. The adult female will typically lay eggs every 2-3 days for a few weeks before she even needs to breed again, it's crazy how much they produce, we keep a rotation of 2 egg laying containers per breeding box rotating out ever 4 days, and each one of our egg laying containers hatches a few thousand. The key is temp, darkness, a good moist container of dirt, and time. I think I have some pics of one of our breeding boxes on my profile. It can be scaled down or up to work how ever you would like, but I would suggest around 4 egg laying containers and 4 totes for hatching and rearing, you will need done to grow to adult hood to continue the breeding and some for feeding.
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