Convincing my parents


How can I convince my parents to let me get another chameleon? I haven't asked them yet, but I'm preparing for the battle that we'll probably have over it.
If you have a Chameleon and it is doing well say that you know how to care for them and they dont need to pay for any of it. Also if you are getting a new type of Chameleon tell them that you have done all the research and you know how to care for it. Parents like to know that you are getting involved in stuff. If your parents dont already know that you are on here. Tell them that you are and that alot of people on here are experts and that they can give you advice if anything goes wrong.
start by asking for a dog... then when they say no, argue for a bit and then say "ok how about another chameleon" hahah jk jk :p
If its anything like convincing a fiance... Heres how I did it..
1) Convince them that it will be a baby (even if it wont be)
2) Show them pictures of newborn chams (especially the May contest entry with teh big 'ol eyes )
3) Convince them there will be no new bugs (even though that may not be true)
4) Do what the above said^^^ about telling them about research
5) Convince them that now it will be cheaper because you know what your doing

If all else fails.... Move out lol
How can I convince my parents to let me get another chameleon? I haven't asked them yet, but I'm preparing for the battle that we'll probably have over it.

Well, what would their objections be? It seems to me you have to be able to answer questions such as:

The new cage would need to be in someone else's space, living room, etc.
You won't have enough time to care for the one you have now...another one becomes their problem
You won't have enough money for feeders, caging, lights, supplies, etc.
They will have to bail you out for vet care if problems come up
You are going away to school soon and the chams end up being someone else's problem
They don't like live insects in the house (escapes, smell, feeding them all)
All the lights, timers, foggers, etc. raise the electric/heating/cooling bills

If you can realistically answer these questions with rational PLANS, it will be harder to refuse you. If you don't know why they will object, find out.
Order all the supplies and setup everything. When they see that you are working on something that isn't video games or comic books you will have gained a large amount of respect. Share your knowledge and teach them about chameleons and they will love you for it. If they still say 'no', compose an essay and present it to them. Get your point across and tell them that you have been researching for months! Still say 'no'? Tell them a friend of yours died or something and you need an exotic pet to clear your head (idk just make something up).
Know whats funny. We all have arguments because at one point in time are parents said no to something we really wanted. My parents are really stubborn. It took me 7 years to convince my parents to let me get my first gecko.
Carlton's answer is really good. That's the one you need to be paying attention to. They have legitimate concerns. If you recognize those and show them how you are going to deal with them, that will go a long way toward convincing them.

If they are currently doing a substantial amount of chameleon care/cleaning or are paying for a lot of chameleon supplies/food, you are probably not going to be able to convince them to take on the additional burden.
Ok, so looks like i'm in the same position as you! I already have a 4 month old Yemen Chameleon and I really would like to adopt a Panther Chameleon from a rescue. My Mum said maybe so I might be getting one. Here is how I convinced my Mum and Dad to get my current chameleon :

First, Make sure you care for your other chameleon to the best of standards. This will show your parents that you are responsible and knowledgable to take on another chameleon.

Try and be on your best behaviour and do your chores when your parents tell you but don't do it suddenly as they will get suspicious of you.

Do ALOT of research about chameleons and make it obvious to your parents that you know about Chameleons lots.

After you have done this THEN sit down with your parents and have a conversation about them about taking on another chameleon and ask if you can have another one.

still say no? Here is some tips:

Try and take this news calmly and don't pull a tantrum, Tell your parents you respect their decision and you will give them some more time to think about it. Carry on being good and doing chores and looking after your chameleon. Don't pester your parents about it or they will say no.
Sometimes it can help writing a letter to your parents discussing the necessary costs and equipment, be as formal as you can as your parents will know you know what you are talking about. Try doing a power point or write down a fact sheet and read it to them, also add on the reasons why you should have a new chameleon. Visit your reptile shop and get your parents to talk to the owner about chameleons but make sure you choose a pet shop that knows what they are talking about.

is it a yes? Then congratulations! Remember to carry on looking after your current Chameleon and being good. But as I said don't ester them about it as they might change their mind.

If your parents still say no then you may need to think again about getting a new chameleon.

By Isla!

I hope I helped you and weldone if you actually read it all! I hope you get a new chameleon soon! Happy Chameleon-Loving xx
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