Clutch Deaths


Established Member
Hello everyone-
I had been blessed with a gravid Faly that laid 24 fertile eggs of her second clutch. She laid her eggs and died after about two weeks, (no eating no drinking tried everything). Well the eggs did great first hatch of 12 started to die right off the first week or two. No other hatching for a month. Then they started hatching again. I thought well maybe the were a little premie so this hatch will be great. They were bigger than the first but the weird thing is they just drop in health in a matter of seconds. My other unrelated batch had fierce appetites right out of the egg but these guys and girls do not. I have switched up the variables to see if they bounce but out of 22 hatching two were duds and the rest hatched. Down to 11 and two more are starting to go. They are fed and sparyed around the clock, constant monitoring.
While slipping away in my hands like sand running through ones fingers.
It is soooo frustrating but at the same time still awesome just to be able to hatch them. Experience is everything. First hand experience is sometimes very painful borderline crazy. There are many of you that dream about eggs and breeding. There is a great new respect for the breeders on here that do charge what is thought to be steep prices for their chams. It takes much patience, time , and money to raise these chams. For those of you that get gravid females that lay and want to bash the breeders for what they charge COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS FIRST. If you want to share your stories and judgements fine.
I just had to vent.
It must be terrible to watch them slip away- my Jackson is the one of a clutch of 10 that made it- the girl who's pet smart mother had the babies gave me mine real young - as she didn't want to see them all die- they were doing everything right and kept losing them- they even lost the mother who had seemed to be doing much better after giving birth- they gave up on reptiles... I don't begrudge the amount a breeder charges - I wish they could charge more and that pet store chameleons were a thing of the past.. I hope you can turn things around with the ones that are left ..
That's rough! I definitely do not have the time to dedicate to raising young ones, and can't imagine how hard it must be to lose them after trying everything in your power to help. I hope there is something that can be done to save the rest. Best of luck!!!
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