Chameleon sleeping during the day


New Member
Hi guys, i would like to know what are the symtoms or sickness the chameleon are suffering if they are sleeping during the day? And what should i do if this happens??
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male, and 3mnths old. It is only been 1day with me.
Handling - once
Feeding - Fed him 4 superworms that has been gutloaded with spinach.
Supplements - Rep cal calcium
Watering - Hand misted twice.
Fecal Description - Dark brown with cream color urate. Has never been tested for parasites.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage, 1.5ft by 1.5tt by 3ft.
Lighting - 50W heat light, reptisun T5 HO 5.0, 6500k plant light.
Temperature - Basking spot is about 30'c? Measured with a zilla thermometer hygrometer, humidity is 70%-80%.
Plants - Umbrella plant.
Placement - Placed above a 2ft tall drainage table in my room.
Location - near the equator.

Current Problem - Has spotted him closing his eyes once while on my way home after getting him. But just that once when he is in a box. But once in cage he is awake and drinking and eating fine. Is it due to tired from all the stress during his time in the box???
Currently its night time here in my place and he is sleeping on a bamboo stick in the cagw.
If he was in the box when he did it, most likely it was because it was dark, and he assumed it was bed time.
If he isn't shutting his eyes at all now, then hes fine.

WHen rooms go dark, they go to sleep.

Now- in regards to your husbandry- superworms are not a great diet for him.
YOu need roaches, crickets, etc as a daily feeders, with everything else being treat bugs.

SUpplements- you should be using a calcium with no D3 for every feeding, a calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin twice a month.

IF you bought he reptical from a store, it most likely has d3 in it, and youl have to order calcium with no d3 from a site sponsor, or other online source.

Misting- this should be done at least 4-6 times a day, twice is not enough to keep him hydrated.
Yup im using all that supplement. Because i jus gt him today thats why i jus gave him the no d3 calcium. And i only manage to mist him twice today as i got him home around noon. Btw the box he was in is not dark. It has a clear top.
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