chameleon question


New Member
my chameleon has not pooped in a few days, and I need some help. I can increase the temps, but I do not know what is the problem. Thank you so much!
Are you sure? It could be something that was eaten?

She wasnt eating for a few days. So i figured it may be that she was bored of crickets. When I gave her waxworms she ate like 7. That was friday. She hasnt pooped since then, I couldnt find any at least. She pooped like 2 days before friday, and I found another one in a plant today but I dont know how old that is. I have a plant with soil in it (organic soil), but that is at the bottom of the cage and she stays at the top.I never see her eat the soil, so I dont think it is that. I guess my question is-should I feed her like I normally do? I dont want to make it worse for her IF she is blocked up some how, but I also dont want to starve her if she is hungry. I will be feeding her dubia roaches, instead of crickets.
She wasnt eating for a few days. So i figured it may be that she was bored of crickets. When I gave her waxworms she ate like 7. That was friday. She hasnt pooped since then, I couldnt find any at least. She pooped like 2 days before friday, and I found another one in a plant today but I dont know how old that is. I have a plant with soil in it (organic soil), but that is at the bottom of the cage and she stays at the top.I never see her eat the soil, so I dont think it is that. I guess my question is-should I feed her like I normally do? I dont want to make it worse for her IF she is blocked up some how, but I also dont want to starve her if she is hungry. I will be feeding her dubia roaches, instead of crickets.

First off don't start another thread for this question no need.
Second off cover your soil with large rocks cause it is a concern.
Third that many wax worms is like 6 months worth! There very unhealthy but soft bodied so there not an impaction issue. Feed some dubias and see wat happens. Also its very likely her poop is falling somewhere u just cant find! Very common.
Impaction usually will have other syptoms such as lethargic or hanging near the floor.
How old is she and what kind of chameleon? Adults don't poop every day and can go quite a while between poops. If she is sexually mature and not eating, she could be gravid (if she is an egg bearing species) and ready to lay so make sure you are prepared for that.
How old is she and what kind of chameleon? Adults don't poop every day and can go quite a while between poops. If she is sexually mature and not eating, she could be gravid (if she is an egg bearing species) and ready to lay so make sure you are prepared for that.

she actually is a Jackson chameleon, over a year old. She does not look like she is pregnant, she hasnt gained a tremendous amount of weight, only a little because of the waxworms.
First off don't start another thread for this question no need.
Second off cover your soil with large rocks cause it is a concern.
Third that many wax worms is like 6 months worth! There very unhealthy but soft bodied so there not an impaction issue. Feed some dubias and see wat happens. Also its very likely her poop is falling somewhere u just cant find! Very common.
Impaction usually will have other syptoms such as lethargic or hanging near the floor.

Sorry, no one was answering for a while so I posted another thread, sorry!!:eek:

Ok I will do the rock thing. Do I have to bake them or just put them in the enclosure? Also, she is not lethargic or anywhere near the bottom, so I dont think she is impacted. Thank you so much! You gave me a lot of confidence! She did eat a dubia, so i will feed her those from now on.
just rinse the rocks off. you do not have to bake them. Make sure they are large enough so your chameleon cannot swallow them. If your chameleon is that old, it is very common for them to go every couple of days or even longer depending on what they eat and how much.
I personally do not have any experience feeding Waxworms, and I might be completely wrong, but I am almost positive that a member of these forums recommended staying away from Wax worms, according to this person there is a risk of impaction from them? Someone please correct me if I am wrong, I do not want to spread false information to anyone! Although if this is correct, it might be the reason as to why your chameleon isn't able to poop.
wow...that is a LONG time.......I think she will poop in a day or so. I will definitely stop feeding waxworms least for a year
If she won't poop after a week or so, try seeing if you can get her to eat some small pieces of grapes or slivers of pear. If she won't eat it, put her next roaches in a cup with just the grapes or pears for a few hours before you feed them to her and see if that helps.

I keep a jar of pear baby food in the freezer and used that with Twister (he was special needs) and it worked every time after just a couple of doses.

Hope things come out okay for you!
I personally do not have any experience feeding Waxworms, and I might be completely wrong, but I am almost positive that a member of these forums recommended staying away from Wax worms, according to this person there is a risk of impaction from them? Someone please correct me if I am wrong, I do not want to spread false information to anyone! Although if this is correct, it might be the reason as to why your chameleon isn't able to poop.
I have not heard of this happening from waxworms as they are soft bodied feeders. It has been discussed more that mealworms or superworms could cause this due to their hard exoskeleton.
If you read up on sandrachameleon's blogs, you can get alot of great info on what you should feed your cham and their feeders. It really made a difference in the health of my cham. Once Twister was getting better nutrition from his foods/feeders, he had alot less trouble pooing and he was better off all the way around.

And, yes, if she won't eat the pear or grapes herself, feed it to the bugs you feed to her.
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