Chameleon Family Grows!


Established Member
Today I welcomed these two beauties! Introducing Evangeline and Bellatrix. They arrived today, quickly started eating and drinking. Look like two very healthy little girls. Thanks Junglefries :)


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The lighter one just shed a couple days ago, the one I still have shed that very morning, and the darker one should be shedding any day (unless I missed her). Forgot shedding info, my bad. I just released a bunch chinese mantids (nick barta :D) that hatched today. Holy crap they were faster and larger than previous mantids. They were ALL waxed by 2-12 week old harchlings. I watched one mantis feeding on a hydei get snatched by a cham. Two for one feeding! :eek: Hatch date was 5/1/15.
The lighter one just shed a couple days ago, the one I still have shed that very morning, and the darker one should be shedding any day (unless I missed her). Forgot shedding info, my bad. I just released a bunch chinese mantids (nick barta :D) that hatched today. Holy crap they were faster and larger than previous mantids. They were ALL waxed by 2-12 week old harchlings. I watched one mantis feeding on a hydei get snatched by a cham. Two for one feeding! :eek: Hatch date was 5/1/15.

I've been trying to get hold of Nick to order some mantids, no luck though :( I found another place that I'm going to try soon if I don't hear back. Are they pretty easy to care for? How long after hatching do you think they'd be ready to feed off to the girls?
They can be fed of right after the ooth hatches. It will be up to you if you would like to care for them, the only downsize is that they will need to feed on other feeders.
Try his email [email protected] . The 3 pack is what I got plus 100 pink sticks. The mantids will eat one another after the second instar (molt). I keep them in seperate 32oz deli cups or large cages with foliage. Feed them hydeii flies. Pretty easy to care for, but a little work. They are fun though. Let me know if you can't get him and I will send his phone number. His ooths are far superior to any others I have gotten. You can feed them off right away.
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