Chameleon color phases. Warning lots of pics

heathen is a ambilobe from heroic chams i have one of his brothers they look identical real stunners:D

Thanks:) You got a male also. IT seems all the males are turning out to look the same. Kat has one that is identical to mine and I think dodolah has one.

This was the reaction from Lily, my female veiled, when I first introduced her to a rodent drinking bottle! Don't think she was too impressed!!:D That's the only time she's ever had these black spots. Freaked me out a bit at the time as I'd only had her a couple of months!! She's since learnt to drink the drips off the spout as I squeeze the bottle, bless her! :D She usually looks much prettier than this!!:eek:

cain whatever happened with your fischers?

After the 4 eggs started to sweat early and I figured there trying to hatch early nothing. I still have 7 eggs that appear to be nice and healthy. I completely jinxed myself:eek:. I dont like to talk about them right now hahahaha;) Im seeing it as a good thing that nothing has started happening with them and would suspect that if they start hatching in another month they may be alright and not underdeveloped. I know the last few months they develope rapidly but dont really know how rapidly. Only time will tell. I hope its a good outcome. I will also be looking for some nice specimen very very soon. I havent seen any for sale and dont really want to order them before I can handle/check them over. LLL doesnt have any so I am going to post it up in the wanted list.
Wow the colours on some of those ambilobes are unreal...and now I see those veileds...beautiful! I will add a few, mine are from my ambilobe male whom has gone through the strangest transformations himself! He is now 1.5 years old and you can see the strange colour transformations he's gone through! I will admit I was scared for a bit!

Born July 31 2007 - these photos are as raw as they come...I only have a point and shoot and no editting software

November 2007

December 2007







December 2008


WOW!! Nice cham I love the colors. The May and July pics did catch me off guard. How ever I don't know much about panthers:rolleyes:
LILY thats a really beautiful female.

Thank you Ciafardo!

Lily is beautiful - she seems quite colourful for a female and she's hardly ever just plain green!! She stayed colourful when she was gravid too - I thought that she would go dark green with the gold spots but she didn't. She's also very friendly and I love her to bits!:D She's my special little girl! I'll probably enter her in the photo competition again this month.

Thanks guys so much. Ya the summer was a dreary time awaiting his 'dull period' to transform...I was starting to get scared for a while! When he pulled out the blue bars in the spring, I got bummed cause I really wanted redbar...but voila...patience is a virtue!

Your kind comments are great...thanks so much. I do love this little man...and he has taught me to be patient while awaiting the blah period with my sambava and nosybe! (hey after all, patience comes few and far between as I'm a woman!!!)

I'd love to see this thread continue and others post transformations and different colours by the same fascinates me. Keep them coming guys!
Well this is my panther chameleon~ king koopa~ (PICS R OUT OF ORDER~ SORRY!)) the last pic is of him at 6 months~ ~~ in the mornings he's a pretty teal & hints of orange & yellow~ all the chamelons pics posted left me super excited to see him grow~~


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Females change colors too!!:D

My Beautiful Sadie

2 Months

2.5 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

7.75 Months

8 Months/Today! Look at how ORANGE she is!!:)

I tried to get them in order of when they were taken... but for the most part they were all pretty recent.

I think my new favorite is the third to last! only seen the turquoise/yellow/red once right after his last shed- I hope to see more of that one!







I think I covered all the bases!

I have so many high quality pictures of this guy- I guess when he's showing a color worth taking a picture of I'm not ready for it, so all these pictures are crap!
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