my veiled escaped from his outside encloser about an hour ago, i saw him disapear into the bush next door!, cant find him anywhere!, its not looking good! my bro will be home soon, but its a really think bush, and theres cats everywhere, i dunno what to do!
they usu make a beeline to the tallest plant they can see, so hose down everything and see if u can find him trying to get out of the way. also u can put some feeders on the ground in a pail and put em outside for him to eat. or at night u can go around the trees and shine a light in them to see if u can see his sleep colors which are usu. very vibrant.
I would keep thoroughly checking the bush closest to where he escaped. I've had them get loose a few times, and fortunately they were recovered. One day it took over 8hours of searching to find him, so don't give up. One method we used was climbing to the roof of the house, to get a birds eye view of everything. The method that actually found him though was stooping low and looking for the silhouetted shadow beneath the sun. Good luck. I know it seems impossible but just keep looking....the more eyes the better!
the bush is only about 6 feet, but its as thick as paris hilton! and its colours are exactly the same as a frightend veiled, plus theres a fixed wooded fence one side, looks like a lost cause! looks like ill have to wait til night time and use a spotlight, im in the u.k so sunny days are rare, if i dont find him he has no chance of surviving!, i feel sick now, dunno what else i can do!
Mine ran away 3x. I know. I'm a bad parent. The first time he was found in the neighbors area. Veils have been documented to survive very cold temps and some even snow. If you don't find him by nightfall get up before sunrise. Your guy will go to the tallest plant he can to start getting rays.
They won't travel far at first. In fact they rarely travel far. My friend lost his Panther and, no kidding, a year later he was coming out of his house and as he passed by the the tree in front of house he saw a tongue dart out and snag a insect.
Back home now after a year. Don't freak out. If you start whacking bushes and such it will scare him enough to not come out.
oh my god! a miracle happened, he decided to sunbath, the neibours saw him and cought him, i've got him back! im so happy its unbeleivable, i wont let him outta my sight again! the kids next door were stroking him and everything, he was happy as larry, no hissing or anything, he's been tame for a while, didnt think he was that tame tho!, thanks for you help everyone, gonna take some pics and post them soon, at least just for my avatar,
Congratulations on finding him, i know id be so upset if i lost my cham, plus it would be bad if i lost him in my garden i live in the UK, and my back garden backs onto a forest! Keep a good eye on him now x
thanks guys, seriously, the sayings true,'you dont know what you've got til its gone'! hes soo cool,would love to breed him,got no space(or money) for a female tho, no fair! bit of a wonky cask from before i got him,but good other then that, all good, gotta get some good pics of him tho, if he will fire up for me(he's way too laid