Celery gutloading?


So if any of you have seen my recent posts, you know that my male panther has only been eating superworms. Apparently they have very little water content (which makes sense when I think about it considering they live in a cup of oats). I’ve been gutloading them but they haven’t been interested in fruits, so everything I feed them is also pretty low in water. My little guy has been getting dehydrated very quickly, as he will not drink water in his cage from misting or from the dropper that runs all day. I take him outside either every day or every other day to spray the hose against a wall and he’ll drink the mist that sprays off of that. Recently he hasn’t been too eager for that, either. I was wondering if I can gutload the superworma with celery so that he can get water that way? I’m going to pick up some hornworms when I get a chance but for now is that okay? And if it’s not, what do you guys recommend? Thanks!
It sounds like your guy may need a vet visit based off the dehydration and weakness? But that aside he is only eating superworms because you're only feeding superworms. Stop feeding them!!! Let him get some roaches and crickets. Don't offer him anything else until he takes them. Chams can hunger strike for weeks without problems. Not all animals need to eat everyday. I'm not saying starve him constantly, but to get him to eat what you want, that is the only way.

Edit: btw most people only feed supers 1-2x a week. They aren't bad, a little high in fat, but no big deal... the problem is they end up turning down more nutritious foods. I've had it happen and it's a constant issue on these forums. Celery won't do much at all, people have gutloading confused here. Just because an insect is eating something, doesn't mean the nutrients are staying in the insect. Worms in general do not hold much, that is why they are a poor staple. Crickets and roaches on the other hand hold a decent bit more.
It sounds like your guy may need a vet visit based off the dehydration and weakness? But that aside he is only eating superworms because you're only feeding superworms. Stop feeding them!!! Let him get some roaches and crickets. Don't offer him anything else until he takes them. Chams can hunger strike for weeks without problems. Not all animals need to eat everyday. I'm not saying starve him constantly, but to get him to eat what you want, that is the only way.

Edit: btw most people only feed supers 1-2x a week. They aren't bad, a little high in fat, but no big deal... the problem is they end up turning down more nutritious foods. I've had it happen and it's a constant issue on these forums. Celery won't do much at all, people have gutloading confused here. Just because an insect is eating something, doesn't mean the nutrients are staying in the insect. Worms in general do not hold much, that is why they are a poor staple. Crickets and roaches on the other hand hold a decent bit more.
Okay, thank you. I had been considering a vet visit so I’ll schedule one soon.
The difference between a starved super and a plesently plump super is only 10%. Any woms will work great, hopefully you have one of the pet shops that have the new 5 for a few bucks horn worm pods. Its a complete rip off here because its 3-4 bucks for a 1 medium hornworm bug in a box.
The difference between a starved super and a plesently plump super is only 10%. Any woms will work great, hopefully you have one of the pet shops that have the new 5 for a few bucks horn worm pods. Its a complete rip off here because its 3-4 bucks for a 1 medium hornworm bug in a box.
I have a place that I go to about 45 mins away that sells them for a dollar per worm, no matter what size. It’s a bit pricey but I know a lot of places charge much more. So yeah, I’ll drive up there soon and get some. Thank you
Sure they can live off superworms, I guess I just figured this site to be a place where people strive for optimal nutrition and husbandry... chameleons eat thousands of insects in the wild, hell a human could live off just bread and vitamins, but would you be thriving?
@nightanole So you're saying only feed superworms, sorry but gotta disagree with you there.

Miss quoted. Mean any caterpillars. Not sure how you got only feed superworms. I just mentioned that even if you could make a 100% water gut load, the super would only weigh 10% more than a starved super.
if the dripper is running all day, are you sure he's not drinking when your not there? My two panthers took a few weeks before they would drink in front of me.
I've seen where people use celery leaves as part of their gut load. I think (don't know) that celery is high in sodium. If that is the case it wouldn't make a good solo gut load.
Celerynis high in sodium. I've always fed my superworms the same greens and veggies that I feed my crickets and I make sure imdont dry them off after I wash them so they get moisture from that.
Sorry that I haven't replied to my own thread. He has started drinking when I take him outside, but still won't go after water from the dripper or misting. I know he doesn't because if I go a few days without taking him outside to drink, his eyes are very sunken in and he's very desperate to drink when he does get outside. So I've been taking him out every day now. I've stopped giving him supers altogether and gone back to crickets. I haven't seen him eat one yet, but it seems like there's less in his cage when I get home from classes than when I left, and he isn't losing weight, so I think he's okay for now. Thank you everyone :)
How long does the dripper drip for at one time? Mister?
Please post a photo of your chameleon.
Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread near the top of the health forum.
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How long does the dripper drip for at one time? Mister?
Please post a photo of your chameleon.
Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread near the top of the health forum.
The dripper is on all day, which is about 7am-9pm. I mist by hand (spray bottle) for a few minutes every couple hours. Here’s a couple pics that I just took, he’s all curled up because he’s ready for bed :)
well 3 days ago I went with a vet specialist in reptiles and confirm if only ate worms then could cause a big problem to the liver , my chameleon step for something similar :/:unsure:
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