Catching learning curve?


New Member
In the small cage the crickets hung out near the top and he could cover half the cage almost with his tongue range. Now in the large cage things don't sit around as much and by the time he's ready to strike they've decided to start moving again.
Chameleons are very opportunistic in my experience. He'll get them eventually. Sometimes they'll just wait for the insect to come to them.
he tried for a superworm but he hit the lid which made it "jump" then the stupid thing borrowed into the soil of the potted plant.
You could get slower insects if you had a retarded Cham. Locusts are pretty lethargic. But yeah, he'll get enough.........he will learn to outsmart the crickets if he can't chase them down..:D
Or cup feed. With a deep enough cup that they can't climb out, they rarely bother to jump out.......
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