Casque Coloring Change?


New Member
Minor concern, but following his shed, I've noticed some color changes... which I KNOW is normal, but I figured he'd get brighter... not like this. Maybe I'm just being over critical, but I've been noticing that there is a white line developing on the back edge of his casque. (I'll attach a photo)

I'm wondering if this is normal coloration, or a result of silk worms being introduced to his diet, or something else... When he's stressed, he'll turn dark, particularly his casque which would normally go grey-ish black when his body gets black spots. I did recently clean out his enclosure a couple weeks ago with 100% vinegar (on everything) and had to move him for the event, so he was stressed when I had to move him out of it, but no more than I would have expected? Opinions are welcome!

Some specs:
*Veiled cham ~8months old?
*Fed daily several of the following (varying by day): gutloaded crickets, superworms, silkworms
*Dusted with Exo Terra Calcium powder suppliment (without D3) every time crickets are fed (every 2 or 3 days) - cham refuses to eat superworms or silkworms that have been dusted
*Dusted with Zoo Med Repti Calcium with D3 (crickets) once a month
*Treats 1-5 weekly: hornworms, butterworms, mealworms
*Plants: Dracaena, 2 Ficus and Purple Wandering Jew
*Lights: Exo Terra 75W Infared Basking Spot, Zoo Med 60W Daylight Blue Reptile Bulb (UVA), and the farther light is an Exo Terra UVB Bulb 75W... I cant remember which one
*Lights are on a ~10hr cycle on/off
*Humidity ranges between 35-50 depending on the time of day
*Temperatures in different parts of enclosure goes from 75-100
*Night Temperatures don't go below 70
*Cage is located next to my large window, which in the summer time (now) has the window open and fans going approx 3ft from the set up
*All this is on top of a set of drawers that is somewhere around 3-4ft off the ground (total guess there)


First day I had him: (as a point of comparison)

And my current enclosure:
Forgot to mention...

I guess as an additional note, since I posted a photo of me holding him (which was a quick snapshot as I was bringing him out of his box the day he came home) he is only handled when needed - cage is thoroughly cleaned (everything taken out and wiped down) once a month, and he'll get a nice warm shower (on a bungee cord above the spout) about once a month as well (on different days than the cage cleaning of course). Since it's now summer I move him to an outdoor enclosure to get REAL sun exposure ~once ever two weeks for an hour period, weather allowing - only when there is full sun on my deck and the temps are ~20C+ (68F+).
Your temps seem a little high, id max temps at 90-93, also humidity levels are lower then what you want. The lowest I go is 50%, this wont dry him out and frequently cycling a humidifier helps tremendously. I wont maybe move some of the lower foliage up top as your chameleon will spend the majority of its time in the top section and providing better hiding spots and cover are good necessary. you should see signs of improvement.
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