Can anyone tell me what this is?


New Member
My cham woke up a very dark color this morning and this was hanging out of his vent. There is a piece on each side. How or do I remove it?


This might help with a closer look



Any help would be appreciated. I have him in the shower now and he is just chilling and that is unusual for him. He hates the shower and usually is trying to get out of the tub.
I'm thinking sperm plugs, most males shed these periodically. It's not something that I've ever dealt with with my chams (that they don't come out by themselves, that is) so I can't comment on whether you should do something about it or not.
I have since put him in the shower and they seem to be disappearing. Does that mean it came out or went back in? How do I know if it is something that he needs to go in for and have removed? This is a very nasty cham and I know a trip to the vet will stress him to the point of sickness. I just ordered him a bigger cage because his behavior has changed lately. He is constantly on the move and even crawls to the bottom of his cage and paws. This has been going on for about three days. I have a bigger reptarium on the way and his silk and horn worms will be here tomorrow. He has been on a food strike too. I have had such a time with this cham and I am so thankful my new baby girl is doing great and stress free. This guy I am not to sure of and worry about him all the time. I love him but I still think he might need to be in a more experienced home. I am going to try the bigger cage for a few weeks and see if he does not calm down some.
Can someone tell me if his overall health appears ok? I think he is underweight and somewhat dehydrated. I have always thought he was dehydrated and I mist his cage 3 times a day and it mists a 1/2 gallon of water each time. He gets 1.5 gallons of water through his cage everyday.


I don't think he looks underweight at all. His eyes look like they might be a little sunken in, but he definitely doesn't look terrible.
Do you see him drink when you mist him?
Judging by the pictures I don't think those are sperm plugs, but rather the actual hemipenal glands.
They do become exposed when your cham relieves himself and usually go back in fairly quickly.
It's good that they went back in. If they were exposed for an extended amount of time.... I would keep an eye on him for a few days to make sure they stay in where they're supposed to be. Otherwise, I would guess that he had just defacated and they had not gone back in yet.

I have seen him drink only a couple times since I have had him but he is one of those chams that will not do anything in front of you. My panther comes and drinks every mist and this guys runs and hangs upside down from the top and acts like a fool all the time. I have been waiting for him to get settled but he has yet to calm down. I dont understand why he has never looked hydrated. He looks better than when I got him but he should be very hydrated with all the mistings he gets and a drip bowl. When he hisses at me in the mornings should I squirt like a cc of water in his mouth everyday? Would that help?
He is definitely proving to be a difficult cham to keep and I dont know why because I have always had pretty good luck with all my herps over the past 11 years.
I will keep an eye on them and make sure they dont come back out. I am hoping he devours the silk and horn worms tomorrow. He has not had calcium or supplements in a week. He will not eat but he picked a waxworm out of the dirt of his plant a couple days ago. :confused:
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lol... reading every post that you wrote about this dude seems to relate a lot to me.
He sure have been causing you running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I am SO knowing what that feels like.
I think your cham and mine might be twins!

He has the same attitude with yours.
Extremely picky with food (also on his hunger strike mode).
never wants me around him.

There's nothing that we can exactly do.
They both are timid and shy in personality and also territorial.

hang in there..
I dont think I will ever own another male veiled. lol
They must be from the same clutch.;)
It had been a few years since I owned a cham and I got my panther who has been a joy since he is use to me now. I decided well a male veiled should be easy to care for let me add him to the collection. WRONG!:eek:
I have done nothing but pull my hair out and spend money on this darn cham. I added another fluorescent strip to his cage and brighter lights thinking that might be it. I have bought halogen bulbs that are on there way to see if that will work and a bigger reptarium even though he has only been in this one a few weeks. I have bought a gallon fine mister to make sure he is misted more than my little mister jr could do. I have bought every insect and worm in the book and he wont eat but he will chomp his dirt every now and then. I took his poop to the vet and its fine. I had to get deeper dome lights and smaller bulbs because he spends so much time pawing at his cage and hanging from the top he has burned both of the two side toes on both front feet.
This guy is constantly pawing at the cage walls and it drives me nuts. I feel like he is the most miserable cham around and it make me feel horrible and like I am failing him somehow. I just dont know what else to do. If he hangs in till winter is over he can chill outside in the texas sun all alone.:confused::confused::confused::confused:
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