can a veiled cham catch cold?


Hi there i hope u can help me out here someone! :) My veiled cham is i think 6 months old and we just moved him to a large viv, my question is can he get sick from the cooler air from the fogger that is blowing down middle of viv ? his basking is about 85 and its usualy about 78-80 on the other side the humidity with the fogger running all the time is at 60-70 % mostly and i dont have to mist the fogger makes a nice constant drip n wet leaves. Thank you!! :)
I'm not sure about catching a cold but I know that in glass terrariums foggers are notorious for causing upper respitory infections..
Hi! A fogger is no substitute for misting i'm afraid :) Too much humidity constantly can cause a respiritory infection, especially if it's a cool air humidifier, some like to use warm air humidifiers to combat a respiritory infection (help move mucus) unless it's really really dry where you live then you don't need to increase the humidity for a veiled cham.

If the cage is constantly wet, the water will become stagnant which will encourage bacteria to grow and in turn make him sick. They don't get the cold but a respiritory infection is the chams version of a cold.

Even when you're misting, you need to let everything dry before the next mist and you have to be sure that the environment is dry before lights out so there is no water lying over night.

Hope this helps! :)
Hi! A fogger is no substitute for misting i'm afraid :) Too much humidity constantly can cause a respiritory infection, especially if it's a cool air humidifier, some like to use warm air humidifiers to combat a respiritory infection (help move mucus) unless it's really really dry where you live then you don't need to increase the humidity for a veiled cham.

If the cage is constantly wet, the water will become stagnant which will encourage bacteria to grow and in turn make him sick. They don't get the cold but a respiritory infection is the chams version of a cold.

Even when you're misting, you need to let everything dry before the next mist and you have to be sure that the environment is dry before lights out so there is no water lying over night.

Hope this helps! :)

for the most part with the fogger running the humidity is at 50-70% so is that about right? i dont know what else to use to keep the humidity steady, any tips would be great i dont want him to get sick n the fogger def pushes cooler air the viv is very open n ventilated also. so does this make a diffrence? :confused:
for the most part with the fogger running the humidity is at 50-70% so is that about right? i dont know what else to use to keep the humidity steady, any tips would be great i dont want him to get sick n the fogger def pushes cooler air the viv is very open n ventilated also. so does this make a diffrence? :confused:

also i keep it pretty dry in there other then the leaves the fogger wets i keep the bottom dry all day. :)
I would honestly switch to a screen cage depending on where you live. Vivs will work though too. Just put live plants in there and mist 3-5 times a day. Should be good enough right there.
I would honestly switch to a screen cage depending on where you live. Vivs will work though too. Just put live plants in there and mist 3-5 times a day. Should be good enough right there.

the viv is a 30 wide x 18 deep x 48 tall bird cage with white board up half way around to keep critters in n mesh screen round back n sides top is open along with front so there is plenty of ventilation for him, i live in NJ so the humidity is wacky here, what is the best humidity for these guys. so if i shut down the fogger n just sprat that should be fine?? i realy dont want him to get sick im just worrying bout the humidity and i do have about 4 live plants in side and about 4 on the outside around his viv all non toxic and safe for him. :D
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