Bradypodion thamnobates housing, finally done(well almost :p)!

Bob, guess what your going to do when you come down here?? Thats right..i will have a pile of wood waiting on you. ;)

Very nice set ups. Im unfamiliar with the brady bunch. Judging by your set up and pictures i have seen of them here and there..I take it they spend most of the time low bush/thicket?
LOL. If I had that kinda time id have no problem building you some!
And yes, For the most part they are found in lower areas but can be found much higher up.

Actually B. thamnobates are generally found higher up but can be found in lower areas from time to time. Of the ~20 or so I saw when I was there earlier this year only a couple were within arms reach but about half a dozen were out of reach of the 25' pole I had to help collect them and a couple more I could barely reach with the 25' pole standing on my tip toes. They are often up high in tall trees along the side of the road.

That said, I think your cages should be fine. They'll fill out a little before long and should be good.

Thanks Jared :) I agree, At first I really wanted some transvaals but i think that was due to the fact we always see Pauls. But after researching and looking at pics hours on end, I fell for the thamnos, i cannot wait to see them in person!
One day I hope to work with them all, but its just not possible right now. Just need to hope for the best with everyones groups.
And thank you for the hook up man, couldnt of done it without ya!

Ha!! Thanks man. It really is a good source. He is such a nice person and has incredible animals. Im just glad to see them still coming in whether its me or someone else importing them. Maybe Ill give them another go once you guys figure them out for me:D
Woah SOLID WORK. Rep +1 for you sir.
Thanks Louis!
Looks great very nice job on the cages.
Well thank you Dean! You have yet to show us your finished set up though!:)
Is this how all of y'all are keeping the Bradypodion, in terms of the cage set up. A cage with only two sides screen? Benefits would be humidity keeping capabilities?

No, everyone else is using screen cages as far as i know. The original idea was everyone was going to house them in glass terrariums, but they are rather susceptible to RIs and fungal infections so the changes were made. Hopefully this is kind of a "happy medium".

Awesome cages, and on a side note I'd like to say a big thanks to all of you working with these imports. I look forward to lots of pictures of their growth and acclimation, and then Babies!!! Best of luck to you all! :D


Thank you Michelle!:)
Cool enclosures and good luck with the animals! I think your ventilation will be fine; experiment with the misting duration and intervals to see what schedule works.
Actually B. thamnobates are generally found higher up but can be found in lower areas from time to time. Of the ~20 or so I saw when I was there earlier this year only a couple were within arms reach but about half a dozen were out of reach of the 25' pole I had to help collect them and a couple more I could barely reach with the 25' pole standing on my tip toes. They are often up high in tall trees along the side of the road.

That said, I think your cages should be fine. They'll fill out a little before long and should be good.

Thanks for clearing that up Chris. Of all my looking so far i had not seen anything that said they were found that high, amazing! Please chime in on any of this as you are one of few who have kept Bradypodion here.
Ha!! Thanks man. It really is a good source. He is such a nice person and has incredible animals. Im just glad to see them still coming in whether its me or someone else importing them. Maybe Ill give them another go once you guys figure them out for me:D

We'll be waitin for ya! :D
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