Boy or girl??


New Member
We bought this baby about a month ago and we think she/he is about 12 weeks old. We were told he is 'definitely' a boy, however the more she grows the more convinced we are that she is a girl! she goes a dark red/green under UV, orangy brown with a bright white stripe when hunting and this colour when out and about!? We were also told that 'he' is nosey be but now doubting this aswell??


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It's too hard to tell from that picture. Would you be able to get some closer shots of the base of the tail area. If you have him/her walk on a ruler that usually gets them nice and straight and is easier to tell.
I hesitantly believe, with the photos we have, that you have a male. With clearer photos we could be more difinitive but my opinion is leaning towards male.

Panthers grow and develop at lots of different rates, so don't be alarmed if he doesn't look huge and blue already. Typically by 6 months all panther males have gotten at least decently saturated with their potential adult colors.
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