BOO - I challange you !! let see some spooky cham pics

little leaf

Avid Member
giesle - I know you wipe the floor with all of us- LOL - but I would love to see some Halloween pics of everyone's chams :D This is Sammy, and one of the skulls I make ( still some one eBay if ya want any - see in Misc/ in forum )
I was going to put this pic in the Oct/ pic contest- but I am always a day late :eek: :p


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giesle - I know you wipe the floor with all of us- LOL - but I would love to see some Halloween pics of everyone's chams :D This is Sammy, and one of the skulls I make ( still some one eBay if ya want any - see in Misc/ in forum )
I was going to put this pic in the Oct/ pic contest- but I am always a day late :eek: :p
OK. I know a challenge when I hear one.:) Here are mine. Since I don't have a skull I had to use the ol' doll head. Cool looking skull, btw.


oh geese giesle !

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH My new nightmare pic -
OMG is that creepy :eek: :eek: :eek: !!! EXCELLENT pic !! LOVE IT ( even tho I am now once again going to have to have new nightmares - :p ) we watched " The Conjuring " last night- :eek: that doll in that movie- she must be your baby heads sis ! as soon as I saw that CREEPY doll - Anna Bell - I thought of your doll head :eek: :p
Hi John! Nice to see you are alive and kicking!!! Have you turned into a lurker or what!? lol Giesle that is super creepy but I love it! Your photography is so awesome!!
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