Baby Jackson tail stays DARK. Just TAIL!


New Member
Aloha, I have a 6 month old Jackson raised from birth named Rex. Three days ago EXACTLY the left half of his little tail starting staying DARK while he was very green and happy. When he is at his darkest you cannot tell there is a problem. It is still curling up, still holding his weight when balancing. Just blackish......why?? My poor baby!

I've read about it on several other posts but they were all shedding/possible bruising issues. I did not smash his tail and he finished his 4th shed 7 days ago.

It has to be a blood flow issue since it's split exactly down his spine right? What would cause this? Do these guys experience the inability to control their pigment in areas? Would it just stay it's darkest shade if that were to happen?

He and his sister both eat very healthy, they eat anything that moves. As well as medium crickets that eat all the organic vegetables they can stomach. They both eat their calcium dusted breakfast and live in a large cage with fresh hibiscus vines. Drink plenty of water and take several mists a day, they get plenty of sunshine and plenty of shade.

Any comments, questions or concerns to be concerned of would be greatly appreciated! I need to know if I can do something to help him! It doesn't seem to hurt or bother him at all, just his mommy! :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Thanks in advance, Liz
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So this is a close up of the left and right sides of Rex's tail. Any ideas????


  • lefttail.jpg
    6.4 KB · Views: 103
  • righttail.jpg
    7 KB · Views: 49
It's strange how it's on one side. Does it stay the same all the time? While sleeping, basking,eating etc?
Any chance he could of burnt it?
Yes it stays the same all the time, when he is darkest you cannot tell the difference it blends right in. However when he is greenest it stays DARK, and only on the left side. It leads me to believe he has just lost the ability to regulate his camouflage on that particular part of tail. Like he has no control over the pigment colors? Has anyone heard of this?

He seems to be in no pain, eating and doing everything else the way he regularly does. I'm just very concerned bc he is so young and I love this lil guy so much!
When my pathers have blood samples collected, same thing happens and only on one side of the tail :)
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